Hands See Chirology


ROMAN, KLARA Handwriting; a key to personality ROHE


VARMA, VED ed How and why children hate VARM



ACHTERBERY, JEANNE Imagery in healing; shamanism and modern medicine ACHT

ANDREWS, LYNN Medicine woman ANDR

BISHOP, PETER Greening of psychology; the vegetable world in myth, dream and healing BISH

BOUCHER, SANDY Hidden spring; Buddhist woman confronts cancer BOUC

BOYD, DOUG Rolling thunder (American Indian medicine man) BOYD

BROSTER, JOAN A Amaqirha; religion, magic and medicine in Transkei BROS

BUHRMANN, M.VERA Living in two worlds BUHRsa

EDWARDS, HARRY Healing intelligence G100 EDWA

FICINO, MARSILIO Book of life; a translation by Charles Boer FICI

FURLONG, MONICA Burrswood - focus of healing G100 FURL

GRODDECK, GEORG Book of the it G100 GROD

HEYMANN, TRUIDA, Pad na heelheid  HEYM

HOLLAND, HEIDI African magic; traditional ideas that heal a continent HOLL

INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE Indigenous Knowledge and its uses in South Africa. Eds H.Norman G500 INDI

JILEK, WOLFGANG Indian healing; shamanic ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest JILE

KATZ, RICHARD Boiling energy: community healing among the Kalahari Kung KATZ

KATZ, RICHARD et al Healing makes our hearts happy G500 KATZ

KRIEGER, DOLORES Foundations for holistic nursing practices: the Renaissance Nurse G100 KRIE

LERNER, MICHAEL Choices in healing; integrating conventional & complementary approaches to cancer LERN

LEININGER, MADELEINE Nursing and anthropology; two worlds to blend G100 LEIN

NAIRN, ROB Wounded healer Audio A56

PSYCHOLOGICAL Psychological perspectives, Winter 1997. African dreamers… journal


REINHART, MELANIE Chiron & the healing journey; an astrological & psychological perspective REIN

ROOMY, DAVID Inner work in the wounded and creative; the dream in the body ROOM

ROSE, LOUIS Faith healing G100 ROSE


SANDNER, DONALD Navaho symbols of healing SAND

SANFORD, JOHN Dreams and healing SANF

SHULMAN, HELENE Living at the edge of chaos; complex systems in culture and psyche SHUL

TAUSSIG, MICHAEL Shamanism, colonialism and the wild man; a study in terror and healing TAUS

THOMSON, WILLIAM Faiths that heal THOM

THORPE, S A Shamans, medicine men and traditional healers; a comparative study .. THOR

ULANOV, ANN & BARRY Healing imagination; the meeting of psyche and soul ULAN

VAN BREDA, ADRIAN Dr's Jung & Tiso exchange dreams VANBsa

WHITMONT, EDWARD Alchemy of healing; psyche and soma WHIT

WHITMONT, EDWARD Psyche and substance; essays on homeopathy… WHIT

WOODMAN, MARION Bone; dying into life WOOD

Healing See also Body and body therapy


STEINER, GEORGE Heidegger. 2nd revised edition G100 STEI


ROTHERY, GUY Concise encyclopedia of heraldry R ROTH


CHINEN, ALLAN Beyond the hero; classic stories of men in search of soul CHIN

JACKSON, W Hero and the king; an epic theme JACK

KERENYI, C Heroes of the Greeks KERE

KLUGER, RIVKAH Archetypal significance of Gilgamesh; a modern ancient hero KLUG

STANFORD, W B Ulysses theme;…adaptability of a traditional hero STAN

Hesse, Hermann

WEAVER, RIX Spinning on dream thread; Hermann Hesse: life and work WEAV

Hinduism See Eastern religions


ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID First Eden; the Mediterranean world and man G900 ATTE

BAUDIN, LOUIS Daily life in Peru under the last Incas G900 BAUD

BONNARD, ANDRE Greek civilisation from the Antigone to Socrates G900 BONN

BURCKHARDT, JACOB Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy; an essay G900 BURC

COOK, R M Greeks, till Alexander G900 COOK

GALANOPOULOS, A G and Atlantis; the truth behind the legend G900 GALA

GARDINER, ALAN Egypt of the Pharaohs; an introduction G900 GARD

GERALD OF WALES History and topography of Ireland G900 GERA

GIBBON, EDWARD Decline and fall of the Roman empire (abridged edition) G900 GIBB

GREEK HISTORIANS Greek historians: complete and unabridged (2 vols.) Vol 1 Herodotus, G900 GREE

HIBBERT, CHRISTOPHER Search for King Arthur G900 HIBB

HUSSEY, J. M. Byzantine world G900 HUSS

JAHN, JANHEINZ Muntu; an outline of neo-African culture G900 JAHN

KHALDUN, IBN Muquaddimah; an introduction to history. Translated from Arabic. (In three G900 KHAL

LAMONTE, JOHN World of the middle ages G900 LAMO

LIVY Early history of Rome. Books I - V of 'History of Rome' G900 LIVY

MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO Discourses. Edited ... by B Crick G900 MACH

MORUS (LEWINSOHN, R) Animals, men and myths G900 MORU

NYLANDER, C Deep well G900 NYLA

PLUTARCH Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans. The Dryden translation. G900 PLUT

ROYS, RALPH L editor Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Mayan history) G900 ROYS

SAURAT, DENIS Atlantis and the giants G900 SAUR

SELTMAN, CHARLES Women in antiquity G900 SELT

SPENGLER, OSWALD Decline of the West G900 SPEN

STARR, CHESTER G Origins of Greek civilisation: 1100 - 650 BC G900 STAR

VELIKOVSKY, IMMANUEL Ages in chaos. v. 1. From Exodus to King Akhnaton G900 VELI

VELIKOVSKY, IMMANUEL Oedipus and Akhnaton; myth and history G900 VELI

VELIKOVSKY, IMMANUEL Worlds in collision G900 VELI

VON HAGEN, VICTOR Ancient sun kingdoms of the Americas: Aztec, Maya, Inca G900 VONH

WARNER, REX Men of Athens; the story of fifth century Athens G900 WARN

WILKINS, HAROLD Mysteries of ancient South America G900 WILK

History, early travels, South Africa

ALEXANDER, JAMES E An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa vol. 2 G916 ALEX

AYLIFF, JOHN Journal. I: 1821- 1830. Edited by Peter Hinchliff G916 AYLI

BRADLOW, FRANK and M. Early Cape Muslims; a study of their mosques, genealogy and origins G916 BRAD

BURCHELL, WILLIAM Travels in the interior of Southern Africa, volume 1 G916 BURC

BURROW, JOHN Travels in the wilds of Africa ... G916 BURR

BUTTNER, JOHAN D Account of Cape; ... of Natal; Journal extracts on East Indies. eds. Nienaber, G916 BUTT

DE BOSDARI, C Cape Dutch houses and farms; their architecture and history ... G916 DEBO

DRACOPOLI, J L Sir Andries Stockenstrom 1972-1864; the origins of the racial conflict in South G916 DRAC

ENKLAAR, IDO Life and work of Dr J Th. van der Kemp, 1747-1811 G916 ENKL

FORBES, VERNON Pioneer travellers of South Africa G910 FORBsa

LEVINSON, OLGA Ageless land; the story of South West Africa G916 LEVI

LICHTENSTEIN, W H C Foundation of the Cape; about the Bechuanas. Edited by O Spohr G916 LICH

MACMILLAN, W M Cape colour question; a historical survey G916 MACM

MOODIE, DONALD Record ... official papers relative to the condition and treatment of the native G916 MOOD

MOSTERT, NOEL Frontiers; the epic of South Africa's creation ... G916 MOST

PEIRES, J B Dead will arise. Nongqawuse and the great Xhosa cattle-killing movement G916 PEIR

RANSFORD, OLIVER Bulawayo: historic battleground of Rhodesia G916 RANS

RAVEN-HART, R editor Cape of Good Hope 1652 - 1702 ... as seen by callers. Vol. 1 G916 RAVE

RITTER, E A Shaka Zulu; the rise of the Zulu empire G916 RITT

SALES, JANE Mission stations and the coloured communities of the Eastern Cape 1800-1852 G916 SALE

SHAW, BARNABAS Memorials of South Africa G916 SHAW

SMITH, ANDREW Journal of his expedition into the interior ... 1834-36. Edited by W. Lye G916 SMIT

SOGA, TIYO Journal and selected writings. Edited by D Williams G916 SOGA

SUMMERS, ROGER Ancient ruins and vanished civilisations of Southern Africa G916 SUMM

TROLLOPE, ANTHONY South Africa. A reprint of the 1878 edition G916 TROL

WILLIAMS, J G and MAY, H I am Black; the story of Shabala G916 WILL

WRIGHT, JOHN Bushman raiders of the Drakensberg 1840-1870 ... G916 WRIG


WILBER, KEN editor Holographic paradigm and other paradoxes; exploring the leading edge of WILB


WHITMONT, EDWARD Alchemy of healing; psyche and soma WHIT

WHITMONT, EDWARD Psyche and substance; essays on homeopathy… WHIT


HOPCKE, ROBERT Jung, Jungians and homosexuality HOPE

HOPCKE, ROBERT Men's dreams, men's healing HOPC

HOPCKE, ROBERT editor Same-sex love and the path to wholeness HOPC

JACKSON, GRAHAM Living room mysteries - (Patterns of male intimacy. Book 2) JACK

JACKSON, GRAHAM Secret love of gardening; patterns of male intimacy JACK

KULKARNI, C. Lesbians and lesbianisms… KULK

KULKARNI, CLANDETTE Lesbians & lesbianism; a post-Jungian perspective KULK

ORAISON, MARC Homosexual question ORAI

SAME- SEX LOVE Same-sex love and the path to wholeness. Editor Robert Hopcke and others SAME

STEKEL, WILLIAM Homosexual neurosis. Rev. ed STEK

Hottentots See Khoi


BERGLER, EDMUND Laughter and the sense of humour BERG

LEMMA, ALESANDRA Humour on the couch… LEMM


HALL, JAMES A Hypnosis; a Jungian perspective HALL

KLINE, MILTON Freud and hypnosis; the interaction of psychodynamics and hypnosis KLIN

MOSS, PETER and KEETON, J Encounters with the past; how man can experience and relive history G100 MOSS

WAXMAN, DAVID Hypnosis; a guide for patients and practitioners G100 WAXM


SCHAPIRA, LAURIE Cassandra complex; living with disbelief: A modern perspective on hysteria SCHA

SZASZ, THOMAS Myth of mental illness; foundation of a theory of personal conduct SZAS


I Ching

ERANOS YEARBOOK 1992 Yi Ching and the ethic of the image. ERAN

HOOK, DIANA FARRINGTON I Ching and its associations HOOK


SIU, R G Portable dragon; the Western man's guide to the I Ching SIU


BROOM, BRIAN Somatic illness & the patient's 'other' story BROO

GILLIS, LYNN Human behaviour in illness: psychology & interpersonal relationships GILL

KIDEL, MARK and ROWE, S - Meaning of illness KIDE

KREINHADER, ALBERT Body and soul; the other side of illness. KREI

LERNER, MICHAEL Choices in healing; integrating conventional & complementary approaches to cancer LERN

SELYE, HANS Stress of life G100 SELY

ULANOV, ANN Wizard's gate; picturing consciousness. 1991 Hale Memorial Lecture ULAN

WHITMONT, EDWARD Alchemy of healing; psyche and soma WHIT

WILBER, KEN Grace and grit; spirituality and healing in the life and death of Treya Wilber WILB

ZIEGLER, ALFRED Archetypal medicine - ZIEG

Imagination & fantasy

AVENS, ROBERTS Imagination is reality: Western nirvana in Jung, Hillman, Barfield, Cassirer AVEN

HILLMAN, JAMES Healing fiction HILL

HOLLIS, JAMES Archetypal inagination HOLL

IZUTSU, TOSHIHIKO and On images; Far Eastern ways of thinking. Between image and no-image & .. IZUT

KAST, VERENA Imagination as space of freedom; dialogue between the ego and the KAST

MILNER, MARION Experiment in leisure by Joanna Field (pseudonym) MILN

RAFF, JEFFREY Jung & the alchemical imagination RAFF

SELLS, BENJAMIN ed  Working with images; the theatrical base of archetypal psychology SELL

STEWART, WILLIAM Imagery & symbolism in counselling STEW

ULANOV, ANN & BARRY Healing imagination; the meeting of psyche and soul ULAN


WOLKSTEIN, DIANE & Inanna, queen of heaven & earth WOLK


LAYARD, JOHN Virgin archetype; the incest taboo… LAYA

STEIN, ROBERT Incest and human love 2 ed STEI


ADLER, GERHARD Living symbol; a case study in the process of individuation ADLE

ASPER, KATHERINE Abandoned child within ASPE

BUTLER, SANDRA Conspiracy of silence; trauma of incest BUTL

CAROTENUTO, ALDO Spiral way; a woman's healing journey CARO

CAROTENUTO, ALDO Vertical labyrinth; individuation in Jungian psychology CARO

DAVID, JULIAN Jung & the Kundalini Audio A60

EDINGER, EDWARD Ego and archetype; individuation and the religious function of the psyche. EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Mystery of the coniunctio; alchemical image of individuation. Lectures EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Psyche on stage; individuation motifs in Shakespeare… EDIN

HALL, JAMES A Jungian experience; analysis and individuation HALL

HANNAH, BARBARA Striving towards wholeness. 2 ed. HANN

HEYMANN, TRUIDA, Pad na heelheid  HEYM

HILLMAN, JAMES Soul's code; in search of character and calling. HILL

HOLLIS, JAMES Creating a life; finding your individual path HOLL

JACOBI, JOLANDE Way of individuation JACO

JACOBY, MARIO Individuation and narcissism; the psychology of the self in Jung and Kohut JACO

JOHNSON, ROBERT Inner work; using dreams and active imagination for personal growth JOHN

JUNG, C G Psychological types, or, The psychology of individuation JUNG

LUKE, HELEN M Dark wood to white rose; journey & transformation in Dante's Divine Comedy LUKE

SHARP, DARYL Chicken Little; the inside story; a Jungian romance SHAR

SHARP, DARYL Who am I, really? Personality, soul and individuation SHAR

SIDOLI, MARA Unfolding self; separation and individuation SIDO

STORR, ANTHONY Individuation and the creative process Audio A43

STORR, ANTHONY Solitude; a return to the self STOR

VAN WAVEREN, E. Pilgrimage to the rebirth VANW

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Individuation in fairy tales. Rev. ed VONF

WOODMAN, MARION Pregnant virgin; a process of psychological transformation WOOD

Infant psychology

BRITISH ASSOCIATION Reconstructing infancy Pam BAP

British Association of Reconstructing infancy Pam BPA

CONGRESS ON INFANT Congress on infant mental health. Cape Town 1995. CONGsa

ELIOT, LISE What's going on in there? … ELIO

MEHLER, J. and Dupoux, E. What infants know; the new cognitive science of early development. MEHL

JACOBY, MARIO Jungian psychotherapy & contemporary infant research JACO


MAHDI, LOUISE ed Betwixt and between; patterns of masculine and feminine MAHD

MAHDI, LOUISE ed Crossroads; the quest for contemporary rites of passage MADH

PERERA, SYLVIA Descent to the goddess; a way of initiation for women - copy 2 PERE

SHORTER, BANI Image darkly formings; women & initiation SHORT

VAN GENNEP, ARNOLD Rites of passage VANG


BEEBE, JOHN Integrity in depth BEEB


VAUGHAN, FRANCIS Awakening intuition VAUG

Ireland, culture, anthropology

DANAHER, K. Year in Ireland G500 DANA

DANAHER, KEVIN Year in Ireland G500 DANA


ARBERRY, A.J. Koran interpretted G200 ARBE


KORAN Koran interpreted. A J Arberry (editor) G200 KORA

KORAN Koran. Meaning of the glorious Koran. Explanatory translation by M G200 KORA