Balint, Michael

STEWART, HAROLD Michael Balent; object relations pure & applied STEW

Behaviour modification

DRYDEN, WINDY Reason to change; Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy workbook DRYD

EYSENCK, H J Psychology is about people EYSE

SINGER, JEROME Imagery and daydream methods in psychotherapy and behaviour modification SING

Bereavement, See Grief


EDINGER, EDWARD Archetype of the Apocalypse; a Jungian study EDIN

KLUGER, RIVKAH Psyche and bible: three Old Testament themes KLUG

KLUGER, YEHEZKEL A psychological interpretation of Ruth… KLUG

MOORE, PHYLLIS No other gods; an interpretation of the biblical myth for a transbiblical age MOOR

WESTMAN, HEINZ Structure of biblical myths; the ontogenesis of the psyche WEST

Bible See also Old Testament

Biology, ecology

ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID Living planet; a portrait of the earth ATTE

BADCOCK, CHRISTOPHER Psycho Darwinism; the new synthesis of Darwin and Freud BADC

BISHOP, PETER Greening of psychology; the vegetable world in myth, dream and healing BISH


ECOPSYCHOLOGY Ecopsychology; restoring the earth, healing the mind. Editor T. Roszak & ECOP

FOX, MATTHEW Sacred universe Audio 81

GILBERT, PAUL Human nature and suffering GILB

LEONARD, LINDA Creation's heartbeat; following the reindeer spirit LEON

LORENZ, KONRAD On aggression G500 LORE

LURIA, S E Life ... the unfinished experiment G500 LURI

PARABOLA v 24 no 1 February 1999 Nature journal

QUADRANT 23, 1990 journal

RICHARDS, DON and Walk through the wilderness G500 RICH

SHELDRAKE, RUPERT Rebirth of nature; the greening of science and god SHEL

SHELDRAKE, RUPERT and Natural grace; dialogues on science and spirituality SHEL

SOCIAL ECOLOGY 1999 journal

SUZUKI, DAVID  Sacred balance; rediscovering our place in nature    SUZI

TUMMON, PATRICK Archetypes, evolutionary biology, loss of soul TUMM

WATSON, LYALL Dark nature; a natural history of evil G100 WATS

WATSON, LYALL Dreams of dragons G100 WATS

WATSON, LYALL Supernature II; a new natural history of the supernatural G100 WATS

WENEGRAT, BRANT Divine archetype; the sociobiology and psychology of religion WENE

WILBER, KEN Holographic paradigm WILB

WILSON, EDWARD Consilience; the unity of knowledge WILS


ANDERSON, ROBIN, editor Clinical lectures on Klein and Bion ANDE

PINES, MALCOLM editor Bion and group psychotherapy PINE

Blake, William

EDINGER, EDWARD Encounter with the Self; Jungian commentary on W. Blake's "Illustrations.." EDIN

SINGER, JUNE Unholy bible; Blake, Jung and the collective unconscious SING

Body & body therapy

BROOM, BRIAN Somatic illness & the patients ' other' story BROO

CONGER, JOHN Jung and Reich; the body as shadow CONG

DAMASIO, ANTONIO Feeling of what happens; body and emotion in the making of consciousness DAMA

GENDLIN, EUGENE Let your body interpret your dreams GEND

HARRIS, JUDITH Jung & yoga; psyche-body connection HARR

JACKSON, EVE Food and transformation; imagery and symbolism of eating JACK

JARMEY, CHRIS   Principles of Shiatsu    JARM

LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, R. Dionysus in exile;..repression of the body… LOPE

MCDOUGALL, JOYCE Theatres of the body; a psychoanalytical approach to psychosomatic illness MCDO

MCNEELY, DELDON Touching; body therapy and depth psychology MCNE

MINDELL, ARNOLD Dreambody; the body's role in revealing the self MIND

MINDELL, ARNOLD Working with the dreaming body MIND

ROOMY, DAVID Inner work in the wounded and creative; the dream in the body ROOM



SCHWARTZ-SALANT, N & Body in analysis SCHW

SIDOLI, MARA When the body speaks SIDO

SLATTERY, DENIS Wounded body; remembering the markings of the flesh SLAT

ZIEGLER, ALFRED Archetypal medicine - ZIEG

Body & body therapy See also Healing


McGUIRE, WILLIAM   Bolligen; and adventure in collecting    MCGU

Borderline personality

GREEN, ANDRE On private madness GREE

ROSENFELD, HERBERT Impasse and interpretation; therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors .. ROSE

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, N Borderline personality: vision and healing SCHW

STONE, MICHAEL editor Essential papers on borderline disorders STON

Bowlby, John

HOLMES, JEREMY John Bowlby and attachment theory HOLM

Brain & psyche

ECCLES, JOHN Human psyche; Gifford lectures 1978-9 ECCL

ELIOT, LISE What's going on in there? How the brain and mind develop ELIO

ERDMANN, ERIKA and Beyond a world divided; human values in the brain-mind science of Robert ERDM

GOPNIK, ALISON et al Scientist in the crib; …how children learn GOPN

GREENFIELD, SUSAN Private life of the brain; emotions, consciousness and the secret of the self GREE

PETERSON, JORDAN Maps of meaning; architecture of belief PETE

POPPER, KARL and ECCLES, Self and its brain G100 POPP

Buber, Martin

HODES, AUBREY Encounter with Martin Buber G200 HODE

Buddhism, Zen Buddhism

BATCHELOR, STEPHEN Buddhism without beliefs BATC

BOUCHER, SANDY Hidden spring; a Buddhist woman confronts cancer … BOUC



CHANG, CARSUN Development of neo-Confucian thought G100 CHAN

COOMARASWAMY, Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism G200 COOM

EPSTEIN, MARK Going on being; Buddhism… EPST

FRANCK, FREDERICK The Christ=Buddha; a journey to the East ... G200 FRAN

FROMM, ERICH Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism FROM

FROMM, ERICH Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism FROM

GOLDSTEIN, JOSEPH Experience of insight; a natural unfolding G200 GOLD

GYATSO, TENZIN Buddhism of Tibet & Key to the middle way G200 GYAT

HERRIGEL, EUGEN Method of Zen. Editor Tausend, H; translator Hull, R F C G200 HERR

HUMPHREYS, CHRISTMAS Zen, a way of life G200 HUMP

IZUTSU, TOSHIHIKO Interior and exterior in Zen Buddhism IZUT

KAWAI, HAYAO Buddhism and the art of psychotherapy KAWA

MECKEL, DANIEL Self and liberation; the Jung/Buddhism dialogue MECK


NAIRN, ROB Diamond mind; psychology of meditation G200 NAIR

NAIRN, ROB Tranquil mind; an introduction to Buddhism and meditation G200 NAIR

NICHIREN Selected writings. Translator: Burton Watson. Editor: P B Yampolsky G200 NICH

ODAJNYK, V W Gathering the light; a psychology of meditation ODAJ

RAHULA, WALPOLA What the Buddha taught G200 RAHU

RINPOCHE, SOGYAL Tibetan book of living and dying RINP

SENZAKI, NYOGEN Buddhism and Zen ... G200 SENZ

SUZUKI, D T Living by Zen. Editor Christmas Humphreys G200 SUZU

TARRANT, JOHN Light inside the dark; Zen, soul … TARR

THOMAS, EDWARD Life of Buddha as legend and history G200 THOM

WADDELL, L A Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism. 2 ed. G200 WADD

Bushman art & culture

BLEEK, W H I Girl who made stars FM BLEEsa

BLEEK, W H I Mantis and his friends; Bushman folklore FM BLEEsa

BLEEK, W H I Specimens of Bushman folklore FM BLEEsa

BRENTJES, BURCHARD African rock art. Translated from German G500 BRENsa

DEACON, JANETTE Home of the /Xam; a guide to places in the Northern Cape where /Xam lived in G500 DEACsa

DOWSON, THOMAS Contested images; diversity in SA rock art research G550 DOWSsa

DOWSON, THOMAS Rock engravings of Southern Africa G500 DOWSsa

GALL, SANDY Bushmen of Southern Africa; slaughter of the innocent G500 GALL sa

GORDON, ROBERT Picturing Bushmen; the Denver expedition of 1925 G500 GORDsa

GUENTHER, MATHIAS Bushman folktales; oral traditions… G500 GUENsa

HEWIIT, ROGER Structure, meaning and ritual in the narratives of the S.San G550 HEWIsa

HOW, MARIAN Mountain Bushmen of Basutoland G500 HOWsa

ISAACSON, RUPERT Healing land; a Kalahari journey G500 ISAA sa

JAMES, ALAN ed First Bushman's path stories, songs of the /Xam G500 JAME sa

KATZ, RICHARD Boiling energy: community healing among the Kalahari Kung KATZsa

KATZ, RICHARD et al Healing makes our hearts happy G500 KATZsa

LEE, RICHARD Subsistence ecology of : Kung Bushmen G500 LEEsa

LEWIS-WILLIAMS, J D Discovering Southern African rock art G500 LEWIsa

LEWIS-WILLIAMS, J D & Images of power; understanding Bushman rock art G500 LEWIsa

LEWIS-WILLIAMS, J. Stories that float from afar FM LEWIsa

METZGER, FRITZ Narro and his clan G500 METZsa

ROCK PAINTINGS IN Rock paintings in Africa G500 ROCKsa

ROCK PAINTINGS in Southern Rock paintings in Africa .Ed.M. Schoonraad G500 ROCKsa

SCHAPERA, ISSAC Khoisan people of South Africa: Bushmen and Hottentots G500 SCHAsa

SCHOEMAN, P J Hunters of the desert land G500 SCHOsa

THOMAS, E W Bushman stories FM THOMsa

TOBIAS, PHILLIP ed Bushmen; San hunters and herders of SA G500 TOBIsa

VOICES… Voices from the past./Xam Bushmen and the Bleek and Lloyd Collection. G500 VOICsa

WANNENBERG, ALF Bushmen. Photography. Peter Johnson, Anthony Bannister G500 WANNsa

WILLCOX, A R Rock art of South Africa G500 WILLsa

WILMAN, MARIA Rock-engravings of Griqualand West and Bechuanaland G500 WOLMsa

WINBERG, MARLENE My eland's heart G500 WINB sa

WOODHOUSE, BERT Rain and its creatures, as the Bushmen painted them G500 WOODsa

WRIGHT, JOHN Bushman raiders of the Drakensberg 1840-1870 ... G916 WRIGsa