
BERGLER, EDMUND Psychology of gambling BERG


PSYCHOLOGICAL 1990 journal


GESTALT Gestal is . . .GEST


KLUGER, RIVKAH Archetypal significance of Gilgamesh; a modern ancient hero KLUG


AVENS, ROBERTS New gnosis; Heidegger, Hillman, and angels AVEN

EDINGER, EDWARD Psyche in antiquity. Book 2. Gnosticism and early Christianity EDIN

HOELLER, S. Jung and the lost gospel HOEL

HOELLER, STEPHAN Gnostic Jung and the seven sermons to the dead HOEL

JONAS, HANS Gnostic religion; the message of the alien god JONA

JUNG, C G Gnostic Jung, including 'Seven sermons to the dead'. Editor R. Segal JUNG

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM Gnosis or ancient wisdom in the Christian Scriptures G200 KING

MEAD, G R S Thrice greatest Hermes ... Book I Prolegomena MEAD

QUISPEL, GILLES and Jewish and gnostic man. The birth of the child & Three types of Jewish piety - QUIS

SEGAL, ROBERT editor Allure of Gnosticism; the gnostic experience in Jungian psychology and SEGA

SINGER, JUNE Gnostic book of hours; keys to inner wisdom SING

Gods & goddesses

ASHE, GEOFFREY Virgin; Mary's cult and the re-emergence of the goddess ASHE

BARING, ANNE and Myth of the goddess; evolution of an image BARI

BOLEN, JEAN S. Goddesses in every woman; a new psychology of women BOLE

BURLAND, C A Gods of Mexico G200 BURL

CARLSON, KATHIE Life's daughter/death's bride; inner transformation CARL

DAVIDSON, H R ELLIS Gods and myths of Northern Europe DAVI

DOWNING, CHRISTINE Goddess; mythological images of the feminine DOWN

EDWARDS, CAROLYN Storyteller's goddess; tales of the goddess and her wisdom from around the EDWA


HILLMAN, JAMES editor Facing the gods HILL

KERENYI, C Apollo; the wind, the spirit and the god. Four studies KERE

KERENYI, C Asklepios; archetypal image of the physician's existence KERE

KERENYI, C Athene; virgin and mother in Greek religion KERE

KERENYI, C Goddesses of sun and moon KERE

KERENYI, C Gods of the Greeks KERE

KERENYI, C Hermes, guide of souls; the mythologem of the masculine source of life KERE

LONG, ASPHODEL In a chariot drawn by lions LONG

LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, RAFAEL Hermes and his children. New expanded edition LOPE

MALRAUX, ANDRE Metamorphosis of the gods MALR

MASCETTI, MANUELA Song of Eve; mythology and symbols of the goddess MASC

OTTO, WALTER Dionysus; myth and cult OTTO

ROSCHER, WILHELM Ephialtes (Pan and the nightmare) ROSC

SELTMAN, CHARLES Twelve Olympians and their guests. Rev. ed. SELT

STEWART, R J Celtic gods Celtic goddesses STEW

WHITMONT, EDWARD Return of the goddess WHIT

WOOLGER, JENNIFER and Goddess within; a guide to the eternal myths that shape women's lives WOOL

Gods & goddesses See also Myth


EDINGER, EDWARD Goethe's "Faust"; notes for a Jungian commentary EDIN


BEGG, DEIKE and BEGG, EAN In search of the Holy Grail ... see Begg, Deike BEGG

JUNG, EMMA & VON FRANZ, Grail legend 2nd ed JUNG

LOOMIS, ROGER Grail; from Celtic myth to Christian symbol LOOM

WESTON, JESSIE From ritual to romance; an account of the Holy Grail ... WEST


KLEIN, MELANIE Envy and gratitude KLEI


HOLLIS, JAMES Swamplands of the soul; new life in dismal places HOLL

KAST, VERENA Time to mourn; growing through the grief process KAST

LEICK, NINI and M DAVIDSEN-NIELSEN Healing pain; attachment, loss therapy LEIC

LITTLEWOOD, JANE Aspects of grief; bereavement in adult life LITT

PARKES, COLIN M Bereavement; studies of grief in adult life. 2ed. Foreword by John Bowlby PARK

RAPHAEL, BEVERLEY Anatomy of bereavement RAPH

SAVAGE, JUDITH Mourning unlived lives; a psychological study of childbearing loss SAVA

WERTHEIMER, ALISON Special scar; the experiences of people bereaved by suicide WERT

Group work

BION, W R Experiences in groups BION

BOYD, ROBERT Personal transformations in small groups; a Jungian perspective BOYD

COLEMAN, ARTHUR Up from scapegoating; awakening consciousness in groups COLM

PINES, MALCOLM editor Bion and group psychotherapy PINE


BRITISH ASSOCIATION Guilt and punishment Pam BAP

British Association of Guilt & punishment Pam BPA

HOLLIS, JAMES Swamplands of the soul; new life in dismal places HOLL


ODERMATT, MARTIN Anxiety & guilt Audio A103

PERERA, SYLVIA Scapegoat complex; toward a mythology of shadow and guilt PERE

REIK, THEODOR Myth and guilt; the crime and punishment of mankind REIK

ZOJA, LUIGI Growth and guilt; psychology and the limits of global development. Translated ZOJA


NOTT, C S Journey through this world ...meetings with Gurdjieff, Orage, Ouspensky G100 NOTT

OUSPENSKY, P D Fourth way; a record of talks ... based on the teachings of Gurdjieff G100 OUSP

PAUWELS, LOUIS Gurdjieff; with paintings by Felix Labisse, Georges Rohner & Ferro G100 PAUW

Gypsy culture

LELAND, CHARLES Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling; illustrated by incantations, specimens ... LELE