Cabala See Kaballah

Career counselling

NATHAN, ROBERT and Career counselling NATH

Campbell, Joseph

LARSEN, STEPHEN A fire in the mind; the life of Joseph Campbell LARS

Castenada, Carlos

WILLIAMS, DONALD L Border crossings; psycho. perspective on Carlos Castaneda's path of WILL

Catholicism See Christianity

Celtic myth & religion

BEGG. EAN and DEIKE RICH On the trail of Merlin; a guide to the Celtic mystery tradition BEGG

BOOK OF KELLS Book of Kells.described by Edward Sullivan, with 24 colour reproductions.G200 BOOK

CLARKE, LINDSAY Essential Celtic mythology FM CLAR

DANAHER, KEVIN Year in Ireland G500 DANA

DONALDSON, MARGARET Explorations into Celtic Christianity and Spirituality. Readings.Pam DONA

EVANS-WENTZ, W Y Fairy-faith in Celtic countries EVAN


GOSE, ELLIOT World of the Irish wonder tale; an introduction to .. fairy tales GOSE

JACOBS, JOSEPH Celtic fairy tales JACO


MACCULLOCH, J A Religion of the ancient Celts G200 MACC

PICARD, BARBARA Celtic tales; legends of tall warriors and old enchantments FM PICA

REES, ALWYN Celtic heritage; ancient tradition in Ireland and Wales REES

STEWART, R J Celtic gods Celtic goddesses STEW

TAIN BO CUAILNGE Tain bo cuailnge. Translated by T Kinsella FM TAIN

TOULSON, SHIRLEY Celtic alternative; the Christianity we lost G200 TOUL


WIELAND-BURSTON, Chaos and order in the world of the psyche WIEL

Character neurosis

LAX, RUTH editor Essential papers on character neurosis and treatment LAX


ABRAMS, JEREMIAH editor Reclaiming the inner child ABRA

ADLER, ALFRED Education of children ADLE

ALLAN, JOHN Inscapes of the child's world: Jungian counselling in schools & clinics ALLA

ANTHONY, E J & Child in his family ANTH

AXLINE, VIRGINIA Play therapy: the inner dynamics of childhood AXLI

BACH, SUSAN Life paints its own span; spontaneous pictures of severely ill Children BACH

BERTOIA, JUDY Drawings from a dying child BERT

BOAS, GEORGE Cult of childhood BOAS

BOWLBY, JOHN Attachment (v.1. of Attachment and loss) BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Child care and the growth of love. 2 ed. BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Loss: sadness and depression ( v.3 of Attachment and loss) BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Making and breaking of affectional bonds BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Maternal care and mental health; a report for the WHO. BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Secure base; clinical applications of attachment theory BOWL

BOWLBY, JOHN Separation: anxiety and anger (v.2 of Attachment and loss) BOWL

BURMAN, SANDRA Questionable issue; illegitimacy in South Africa G300 BURM

BURT, CYRIL Subnormal mind. 3 ed BURT

BUTLER, SANDRA Conspiracy of silence; trauma of incest BUTL

CHILDREN AND FAMILIES .. Children and families in Israel; some mental health perspectives CHIL

DRAUCKER, CLAIRE Counselling survivors of childhood sexual abuse DRAU

DILEO, JOSEPH, Interpreting children's drawings     DILE

ELIOT, LISE What's going on in there? How the brain and mind develop ELIO

FORDHAM, MICHAEL Children as individuals FORD

FORDHAM, MICHAEL Life of childhood: a contribution to analytical psychology FORD


FOSS, B editor Determinants of infant behaviour I; proceedings of a Tavistock study group FOSS

FRAIBERG, SELMA Magic years; understanding and handling problems of early childhood FRAI

FREUD, ANNA Normality and pathology in childhood FREU

GOPNIK, ALISON et al Scientist in the crib; …how children learn GOPN

GUGGENBUHL, ALLEN Incredible fascination of violence; dealing with aggression and brutality… GUGG

GUNTER, Bowie and McAlcer, Children and television. 2nd edition. Routledge, 1997. 260 p. GUNT

HARRIS, JUDITH Nurture assumption; why children turn out the way they do HARR

HOFFMAN, EDWARD Visions of innocence; spiritual and inspirational experiences of childhood HOFF

HOLMES, Jeremy John Bowlsby and the Attachment Theory HOLM

JEFFREY, CAROL That why child; problems in psychotherapy & counselling JEFF

JERSILD, ARTHUR Child psychology. 5 ed JERS

KLEIN, MELANIE Narrative of a child analysis; the conduct of psychoanalysis of children ... KLEI

LAX, RUTH editor Essential papers on character neurosis and treatment LAX


MAGID, KEN and McKELVEY, High risk; children without a conscience MAGID

MANNONI, MAUD Child, his 'illness', and the others MANN

MILLER, ALICE Banished knowledge; facing childhood injuries MILL

MILLER, ALICE Breaking down the wall of silence ... MILL

MILLER, ALICE Drama of being a child MILL

MILLER, ALICE For your own good; hidden cruelty in child-rearing MILL

MILLER, ALICE Thou shalt not be aware MILL

MILLER, ALICE Untouched key: tracing childhood trauma ... MILL

NEUMANN, ERICH Child; structure and dynamics of the nascent personality NEUM

PARKES, COLIN M editor Attachment across the life cycle PARK


READ, HERBERT Education through art G700 READ

SANFORD, LINDA Strong at the broken places; overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse SANF

SIDOLI, MARA Unfolding self; separation and individuation SIDO

SIDOLI, MARA and DAVIES, Jungian child psychotherapy; individuation in childhood SIDO

SPOCK, BENJAMIN Problems of parents SPOC

SROUFE, L.A. Emotional development SROU

VARMA, VED editor How and why children hate VARM

VARMA, VED editor Secret life of vulnerable children VARM

WARDI, DIANA Memorial candles; children of the Holocaust WARD

WICKES, FRANCIS Inner world of childhood WICK

WINNICOTT, D W Child & the family; first relationships WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Child and the outside world; studies in devloping relationships WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Collected papers WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Deprivation and delinquency. Edited by C Winnicott and others WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Family and individual development WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Home is where you start from WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Maturational processes and the facilitating environment WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Piggle; an account of the psychoanalytic treatment of a little girl WINN

WINNICOTT, D W Playing and reality WINN

WOLFF, SULA Children under stress WOLF

WORLD HEALTH Deprivation of maternal care; a reassessment of its effects WOLF


HALF-POMROCK, YAEL Hands; aspects of opposition and complementarity in archetypal chirology HAFT


ARRAY, JAMES Jungian and Catholic ARRA

BARTH, KARL Humanity of God G200 BART

BOOK OF KELLS Book of Kells.described by Edward Sullivan, with 24 colour reproductions.G200 BOOK

BRYANT, CHRISTOPHER Jung and the Christian way BRYA

BURKE, MARIANN Advent and psychic birth BURK

CHARDIN, TEILHARD DE Letters to two friends 1926-1952. G200 CHAR

CHARDIN, TEILHARD DE Science and Christ G200 CHAR

CHARDIN, TELHARD DE Phenomenon of man G200 CHAR

COX, DAVID Jung and St Paul; a study of the doctrine of justification by faith ... [and] the COX

CUPITT, DON Radicals and the future of the church G200 CUPI

CUPITT, DON Sea of faith; Christianity in change G200 CUPI

DAVID, JULIAN Pisces into Aquarius; ...the Christian myth Audio 99

DOURLEY, JOHN Illness that we are; a Jungian critique of Christianity DOUR

DOURLEY, JOHN Love, celibacy, and the inner marriage DOUR

DOURLEY, JOHN Psyche as sacrament; a comparitive study DOUR

DOURLEY, JOHN Strategy for a loss of faith; Jung's proposal DOUR

DRURY, JOHN, Painting the word; Christian pictures and their meaning     DRUR

EDINGER, EDWARD Aion lectures; exploring the Self in C G Jung's AION EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Christian archetype; a Jungian commentary on the life of Christ EDIN


EDINGER, EDWARD Psyche in antiquity. Book 2. Gnosticism and Christianity EDIN

FOX, MATTHEW Exploring the cosmic Christ archetype Audio 82

GOLDBRUNNER, JOSEF Individuation; a study of the depth-psychology of Jung GOLD

HARVEY, ANDREW Teachings of the Christian mystics HARV

HILLMAN, JAMES Insearch; psychology and religion HILL

HOELLER, STEPHEN Gnostic Jung and the Seven sermons to the dead HOEL

HUDSON, JOYCE Natural spirituality; recovering the wisdom tradition HUDS

HUGHES, THOMAS HYWEL New psychology and religious experience HUGH

JONAS, HANS Gnostic religions...the beginnings of Christianity JONA

JUNG, C G Jung on Christianity JUNG

KEE ALISTAIR Way of transcendence; Christian faith without belief in God G200 KEE

KELSEY, MORTON T Christo-psychology KELS

KINGSLAND, WILLIAM Gnosis or ancient wisdom in the Christian scriptures G200 KING

LUBBOCK, YVONNE Return to belief G200 LUBB

MITCHELL, S. The gospel according to Jesus G200 MITC

MOONEY, CHRISTOPHER Teilhard de Chardin and the mystery of Christ G200 MOON

MOORE, ROBERT editor Carl Jung and Christian spirituality MOOR

MOORE, ROBERT editor Jung and Christianity in dialogue MOOR

MURRAY, J Life of Jesus G200 MURR

NOUWEN, HENRI Wounded healer; ministry in contemporary society G200 NOUW

OUTLER, ALBERT Psychotherapy and the Christian message OUTL

PAGELS, ELAINE Adam, Eve and the serpent PAGE

ROBINSON, JOHN Human face of God G200 ROBI

SANFORD, JOHN Kingdom within; the inner meaning of Jesus' sayings SANF

SANFORD, JOHN Mystical Christianity; a psychological commentary on the Gospel of John SANF

SEAVER, GEORGE Albert Schweitzer; Christian revolutionary. 2 ed. G200 SEAV

SHUTTE, AUGUSTINE Mystery of humanity; a new conceptual framework for Christian faith. G200 SHUT

SLUSSER, GERALD From Jung to Jesus; myth and consciousness in the New Testament SLUS

SMITH, MORTON Jesus the magician G200 SMIT

SPIEGELMAN, J MARVIN Catholicism and Jungian psychology SPIE

SPONG, JOHN Liberating the Gospels; reading the bible with Jewish eyes G200 SPON

STEIN, MURRAY Jung's challenge to contemporary religion STEI

STEIN, MURRAY Jung's treatment of Christianity; the psychotherapy of a religious tradition STEI

STEINER, RUDOLPH Christianity as mystical fact and the mysteries of antiquity. 3 ed. G200 STEI

THOMAS Gospel of Thomas; the hidden sayings of Jesus, with ... Coptic text and notes THOM

TOLSTOY, LEO Kingdom of God, and peace essays G200 TOLS

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD Christianity among the religions of the world G200 TOYN

ULANOV, ANN Female ancestors of Christ ULAN

WATTS, ALAN Myth and ritual in Christianity WATT

WELCH, JOHN Spiritual pilgrims; Carl Jung and Teresa of Avila WELC

Christianity, Africa

SIMON, JOHN Bishop for the Hottentots G200 SIMO

VILAKAZI, ABSOLOM Shembe; the revitalisation of African society (with B Mthethwa & M Mpanza) VILA

Clinical supervision

BRITISH ASSOCIATION Practice of supervision Pam BAP

British Association of Practice of supervision Pam BPA

KUGLER, PAUL editor Jungian perspectives on clinical supervision KLUG

Cognitive therapy

GILBERT, PAUL Overcoming depression… GILB

Collective unconscious

SINGER, JUNE Unholy bible; Blake, Jung and the collective unconscious SING

SPRING periodical Collective unconscious in literature SPRI

STEVENS, ANTHONY. Two million-year-old self STEV


BRUSATIN, MANLIO History of colors BRUS


SANFORD, JOHN Between people; communicating one-to-one SANF


DIECKMANN, HANS Complexes; diagnosis & therapy… DIEC

KAST, VERENA Father-daughter, mother-son;... KAST

RIBI, ALFRED Demons of the inner world; understanding our hidden complexes RIBI

SHALIT, EREL Complex; path of transformation from archetype to ego SHAL

Conflict, choices

WICKES, FRANCES Inner world of choice WICK

Confucian thought

CHANG, CARSUN Development of Confucian thought G100 CHAN

WU-CHI, LIU Confucius, his Life and time. G100 WUCH


CONSCIENCE Conscience; essays CONS

STEIN, MURRAY Solar conscience, lunar conscience STEI


ASCHWANDEN, HERBERT Symbols of life; and analysis of the consciousness of the Karanga ASCH

DAMASIO, ANTONIO Feeling of what happens; body and emotion in the making of consciousness DAMA

GREENFIELD, SUSAN Private life of the brain; emotions, consciousness and the secret of the self GREE

HAULE, JOHN Perils of the soul; ancient wisdom & the New Age HAUL

MEIER, C A Consciousness (Psychology of C G Jung v. 3) MEIE

NEUMANN, ERICH Origins and history of consciousness. Foreword C G Jung NEUM

ORNSTEIN, ROBERT editor Nature of human consciousness; a book of readings ORNS

PARABOLA v 22 no 3. Conscience and consciousness journal

PSYCHOLOGICAL 1997 journal

PSYCHOLOGICAL 1999 journal

TIGUE, JOHN Transformation of consciousness in myth. TIGU


DRYDEN, WINDY ed Training and supervision for counselling in action DRYD

HALMOS, PAUL Faith of the counsellors HALM

STEWART, WILLIAM Imagery and symbolism in counselling STEW

Creation myths

FREUND, PHILIP Myths of creation FREU

FREUND, PHILIP Myths of creation FREU

HARDING, M. ESTHER Parental image; its injury and reconstruction HARD

LONG, CHARLES Alpha; the myths of creation LONG

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Creation myths ...SEE Patterns of creativity ... VONF


AMMAN, RUTH Healing and transformation in sandplay AMMA

AVERILL, JAMES Voyages of the heart AVER

DIAMOND, STEPHEN Anger, madness & the daimonic DIAM

DIAMOND, STEPHEN Anger, madness and the diamonic (ON ORDER) DIAM

JAMISON, KAY Touched with fire; maniac-depressive illness & the artistic temperament JAMI

LEONARD, LINDA Witness to the fire; creativity and the veil of addiction LEON

LEWIS, PENNY Creative transformation; the healing power of the arts LEWI

NEUMANN, E. Art and the creative unconscious NEUM

NEUMANN, ERICH Creative man; five essays NEUM

NEUMANN, ERICH Place of creation; six essays NEUM

ODERMATT, MARTIN Creaivity & human destructiveness Audio 107

PARABOLA v 13 no 1. The creative response journal

STEVENS, ANTHONY Withymead; a Jungian community for the healing arts STEV

STORR, ANTHONY Dynamics of creation STOR

VAN DER POST, LAURENS Creative pattern in primitive Africa. Eranos lecture 5 VAND

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Patterns of creativity mirrored in creation myths VONF

WESTMAN, H Springs of creativity, with an introduction to Part 3 by Sir Herbert Read WEST

WILMER, HARRY editor Creativity; paradoxes and reflections WILM

WOODMAN, MARION Chaos and creativity Audio A33

Crime & punishment

REIK, THEODOR Compulsion to confess; on the psychoanalysis of crime and punishment REIK

Crime & punishment See also Violence,


KAST, VERENA Creative leap; psychological transformation through crisis KAST

Cross-cultural psychology

BROWN, JUDITH & others In her prime; a new view of midlle aged women BROW

SACKS, WULF Black Hamlet; with a new introduction by Saul Dubow SACH

KIM, UICHOL AND J BERRY Indigenous psychologies; research & experience KIM

SHULMAN, HELENE Living at the edge of chaos SHUL

SPRING 1997. Haiti or The psychology of black journal


STEVENS, ANTHONY Prophets, cults & madness STEV

STORR, ANTHONY Feet of clay; study of gurus STOR

TUMMON, PATRICK Prophets, cults & divine madness TUMM

Culture, anthropology

ALDRICH, CHARLES Primitive mind and modern civilisation (Foreword C G Jung) G200 ALDR

ARDREY, ROBERT Hunting hypothesis G500 ARD

ARDREY, ROBERT Social contract G500 ARD

ARDREY, ROBERT Territorial imperative G500 ARD


BLACKBURN, JULIA White men; the first response… G500 BLAC

BRIFFAULT, ROBERT Mothers; study of the origins of sentiments and institutions (In three volumes) - G500 BRIF

COLLINS, DESMOND Human revolution; from ape to artist G500 COLL

DUERR, HANS P Dreamtime; concerning the boundary between wilderness and civilisation DUER

ERIKSON, E. Toys and reasons; stages in the ritualization of experience. ERIK

GOLDBRUNNER, J. Realization; anthropology of pastoral care GOLD

HAMMOND-TOOKE, DAVID Rituals and medicines HAMM

KIM, UICHOL AND J BERRY Indigenous psychologies; research & experience KIM


LEONARD, LINDA Creation's heartbeat; following the reindeer spirit LEON

LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, RAFAEL Hermes and his children. New expanded edition LOPE

LORENZ, KONRAD Civilised man's eight deadly sins G500 LORE

LOWIE, ROBERT Primitive society G500 LOWI

MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW Sex, culture and myth G500 MALI

MAZIERE, FRANCIS Mysteries of Easter Island G500 MAZI

MEAD, MARGARET Male and female; a study of the sexes ... G500 MEAD

METZGER, FRITZ Narro and his clan G500 METZ

NUTTALL, ZELIA Book of the life of the ancient Mexicans .. Introduction and facsimile G500 NUTT

PAGET, R F In the footsteps of Orpheus ... G500 PAGE

QUENNELL, M and Everyday life in prehistoric times G500 QUEN

QUILICI, FOLCO Primitive societies G500 QUIL

ROHEIM, GEZA Gates of the dream ROHE

TACEY, DAVID Edge of the sacred; transformation in Australia TACE

WILLIS, ROY Man and beast WILL

ZBOROWSKI, M and Life is with people; the culture of the shtetl G500 ZBOR

Culture, anthropology See also shamanism

Culture, anthropology, Africa

AFRICAN CEREMONIES African ceremonies. 2 v R AFRIsa

ALBERTI, LUDWIG Account of the tribal life and customs of the Xhosa in 1807 ... G500ALBEsa

AMES, FRANCIS, Mothering in an apartheid society G300 AMES sa

ARDREY, ROBERT African genesis G500 ARDRsa

ARGYLE, JOHN editor Social systems and tradition in Southern Africa. Essays in honour of Eileen G500 ARGYsa

ASCHWANDEN, HERBERT Symbols of death: an analysis of the consciousness of the Karanga G500 ASCH

ASCHWANDEN, HERBERT Symbols of life; an analysis of the consciousness of the Karanga G500 ASCH

BANTU STUDIES Bantu studies/ September 1937. (journal) Pam BANTsa

BASCOM, WILLIAM & Continuity and change in African cultures G500 BASCsa

BATTISS, WALTER and others Art of Africa. Edited ... by J. W Grossert G500 BATTsa

BECKER, PETER Trails and tribes in Southern Africa G500 BECKsa

BERG, ASTRID Ancestor reverence in an urban community Audio 128

BERGLUND, AXEL-IVAN Zulu thought - patterns and symbolism BERGsa

BLEEK W H I Natal diaries G900 BLEESA

BLEEK W H I Zulu legends FM BLEEsa

BLOOMHILL, GRETA Witchcraft in Africa BLOOsa

BOYD, DOUG Rolling thunder (American Indian medicine man) BOYD

BRENTJIES, B. African rock art G500 BRENsa

BROSTER, JOAN A Red blanket valley G500 BROSsa

BRYANT, A T Bantu origins; the people and their language G500 BRYAsa

BUHRMANN, M VERA Living in two worlds;commun.between white healer+black counterprts BUHRsa

CAROTHERS, J C African mind in health and disease; a study in ethnopsychiatry CAROsa

DONALD, IAN A Jungian understanding of ukuthwasa DONAsa

EVANS-PRITCHARD, E Witchcraft, oracles & magic among the Azande G500 EVAN

FIELD, M J Search for security; an ethno-psychiatric study of rural Ghana FIELsa

FORTES, M and African political systems G500 FORTsa

GELFAND, MICHAEL African crucible; an ethno-religious study ... of the Shona people G500 GELFsa

HALL, MARTIN Changing past; farmers, kings & traders G500 HALLsa

HAMMOND-TOOKE, DAVID Rituals and medicine HAMMsa

HAMMOND-TOOKE, DAVID Roots of black South Africa G500 HAMMsa

HAMMOND-TOOKE, DAVID Bantu-speaking peoples of Southern Africa. 2 ed. G500 HAMMsa

HARRIS, WILLIAM Wild sports of Southern Africa. Facsimile ed. G590 HARRsa

HOLDEN, WILLIAM Past and future of the Kaffir races. Facsimile reprint G500 HOLDsa

HOLLAND, HEIDI African magic; traditional ideas that heal a continent HOLL

HUNTER, MONICA Reaction to conquest; effects of contact .. on the Pondo G500 HUNTsa

INSKEEP, R R Peopling of Southern Africa G500 INSKsa

JAHN, J. Muntu; an outline of neo-African culture G900 JAHNsa

JAHN, JANHEINZ Muntu; an outline of neo-African culture G900 JAHNsa

KENYATTA, JOMO Facing Mount Kenya; the tribal life of the Gikuyu G500 KENYsa

KOHLER, M Izangoma diviners G500 KOHLsa

KRIGE, EILEEN Realm of a rain-queen; a study of .. Lovedu society G500 KRIGsa

KRIGE, EILEEN Social system of the Zulus G500 KRIGsa

LAN, DAVID Guns and rain: guerrilas and spirit-mediums in Zimbabwe LANsa

LAUBSCHER, B J F Sex, custom & psychopathology;… LAUBsa

LEAKEY, RICHARD and Origins G500 LEAKsa

MAYER, PHILIP Townsmen or tribesmen; conservatism & the process of urbanization ... G500 MAYEsa

METZGER, FRITZ Naro and his clan METZsa

MOLEMA, S M Bantu past and present. Facsimile reprint G500 MOLEsa

MUTWA, VUSAMAZULU Indaba, my children G500 MUTWsa

PAUW, B A Second generation; ... the family among urbanized Bantu in East London G500 PAUWsa

RAUM, OTTO Man; anthropological essays… G500 RAUMsa

SACKS, WULF Black Hamlet; with a new introduction by Saul Dubow SACHsa

SAMPSON, H F White-faced huts; witchcraft in the Transkei SAMPsa

SCHAPERA, ISSAC Khoisan people of South Africa: Bushmen and Hottentots G500 SCHAsa

SCHAPERA, ISSAC Married life in a South African tribe G500 SCHA

SCHAPERA, ISSAC editor Bantu-speaking tribes of South Africa; an ethnographic survey G500 SCHAsa

SELOUS, FREDERICK Hunters wanderings in Africa, being a narrative of nine years ... G590 SELOsa

SHINNIE, MARGARET Ancient African kingdoms G500 SHIN

SHUTTE, AUGUSTINE Philosophy for Africa G100 SHUT sa

SOGA, J H South-Eastern Bantu (abeNguni, abaMbo, amaLala) G500 SOGAsa

STEYN, MELISSA & K. Cultural synergy in South Africa STEYsa

SUMMERS, ROGER Ancient ruins and vanished civilisations of Southern Africa G916 SUMMsa

SULLIVAN, BRENDA Africa through the mists of time G500 SULL sa

SUMMERS, ROGER Ancient ruins and vanished civilsations G916 SUMsa

SWARTZ, LESLIE Culture and mental health; a Southern African view SWARsa

THORPE, S A Shamans, medicine men and traditional healers; a comparative study .. THORsa

TURNBULL, COLIN Forest people G500 TURNsa

TURNBULL, COLIN Lonely African G500 TURNsa

TURNBULL, COLIN Peoples of Africa G500 TURNsa

TURNER, VICTOR Drums of affliction…religious processes… G500 TURNsa

TURNER, VICTOR Forest of symbols…Ndembu ritual G500 TURNsa

VAN BREDA, ADRIAN Dr's Jung and Tiso exchange dreams VANBsa

VAN DER POST, LAURENS Creative pattern in primitive Africa. Eranos lecture 5 VANDsa

VAN DER POST, LAURENS Dark eye in Africa VANDsa

VILAKAZI, ABSOLOM Shembe; the revitalisation of African society (with B Mthethwa & M Mpanza) VILAsa

WEINRICH, A. African marriage G500 WEINsa

WILSON, MONICA and Langa; ... social groups in an African township G500 WILSsa

ZENANI, NONGENILE World and the word; tales and observations from the Xhosa oral tradition. Ed. G500 ZENAsa

Culture, anthropology, Greek

BONNARD, ANDRE Greek civilisation G900 BONN

BONNARD, ANDRE Greek civilisation from the Antigone to Socrates G900 BONN

COOK, R M Greeks, till Alexander G900 COOK

COOK, R.M. Greeks til Alexander G900 COOK

STARR, C. Origins of Greek civilisation G900 STAR

STARR, CHESTER G Origins of Greek civilisation: 1100 - 650 BC G900 STAR

WARNER, REX Men of Athens G900 WARN

WARNER, REX Men of Athens; the story of fifth century Athens G900 WARN

Culture, anthropology, Inca

BAUDIN, LOUIS Daily life in Peru under the last Incas G900 BAUD

Culture, anthropology, Ireland

DANAHER, KEVIN Year in Ireland G500 DANA

Culture, anthropology, Maya

ROYS, RALPH L editor Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Mayan history) G900 ROYS

Culture, anthropology, Mexico

BOONE, ELIZABETH Codex Magliabechiano SEE Nutall, Zelia

BURLAND, C.A. Gods of Mexico G200 BURL

Culture, anthropology, Native American

FIRE, JOHN/LAME DEER Lame Deer, seeker of visions G500 FIRE

JILEK, WOLFGANG Indian healing; shamanic ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest JILE

SANDNER, DONALD Navaho symbols of healing SAND


BAHTI, TOM Southwestern Indian ceremonies G500 BAHT

MCLUHAN, T C Touch the earth… Indian existence G500 MCLU