Sadism, masochism

COWAN, LYN Masochism; a Jungian view COWA

MOORE, THOMAS Dark eros; the imagination of sadism MOOR

STEKEL, WILHELM Sadism and masochism; the psychology of hatred and cruelty. 2 v. STEK

STORR, ANTHONY Human destructiveness; the roots of genocide and human cruelty. 2 ed. STOR


CHESTERTON, G K St Francis of Assisi G200 CHES

FULOP-MILLER, RENE Saints that moved the world G200 FULO


AMMAN, RUTH Healing and transformation in sandplay; creative processes made visible AMMA

DUNDAS, EVALYN Symbols come alive in the sand DUND

KALFF, DORA Sandplay: a psychotherapeutic approach to the psyche KALF

MITCHELL, RIC & HARRIET FRIEDMAN  Sandplay; past, present & future    MITC

SANDPLAY STUDIES Sandplay studies; origins, theory, practice SAND

WEINRIB, ESTELLE Images of the self; the sandplay therapy process WEIN


BAYNES, H G Mythology of the soul; research ...from schizophrenic dreams and drawings BAYN

LAING, R D Politics of experience and bird of paradise LAIN

ROSENFELD, DAVID Psychotic; aspects of the personality ROSE

Secret of the Golden Flower

WILHELM, RICHARD Secret of the golden flower WILM


BARGLOW, R. Crisis of the self in the age of information, computers, dolphins and dreams BARG

BRITISH ASSOCIATION Jung's concept of the self; … Pam BAP

British Association of Jung's concept of the Self; its relevance today Pam BPA

COUKOULIS, P. Guru, psychotherapist… COUK

FINGARETTE, HERBERT Self in transformation; psychoanalysis, philosophy and the life of the spirit FING

KALSCHED, DONALD Inner world of trauma KALS

MIRRORS OF Mirrors of transformation: the Self in relationships MIRR

PERRY, JOHN Self in psychotic process PERR

SIEGEL, ALLEN Heinz Kohut and the psychology of the self SIEG

STEIN, MURRAY Transformation; emergence of the self STEI


HORNEY, KAREN Self-analysis HORN

Sensitive research

RENZETTI, CLAIRE and R LEE Researching sensitive topics RENZ

Sexual abuse

DRAUCKER, CLAIRE Counselling survivors of childhood sexual abuse DRAU


ALLEN, CLIFFORD Sexual perversions and abnormalities; ..psychology of paraphilia. 2 ed ALLE



British Association of Century of sex Pam BAP

British Association of Family secrets Pam BAP

BUSS. DAVID Evolution of desire; strategies of human mating BUSS

DRAUCKER, CLAIRE Counselling survivors of childhood sexual abuse DRAU

FERENCZI, SANDOR Sex in psychoanalysis FERE

FLIESS, ROBERT Erogeneity and libido; addenda to ... psychosexual development FLIE

HAULE, JOHN Love cure; therapy erotic and sexual HAUL

HIGHWATER, J. Myth and sexuality HIGH

LAUBSCHER, B J F Sex, custom & psychopathology LAUBsa

MOORE, ROBERT Soul of sex; cultivating life as an act of love MOOR

QUALLS-CORBETT, NANCY Sacred prostitute; eternal aspect of the feminine QUAL

QUALLS-CORBETT, NANCY Sacred prostitute; eternal aspect of the feminine - copy 3 QUAL

REIK, THEODOR Of love and lust; on the psychoanalysis of romatic & sexual emotions REIK

RUTTER, PETER Sex in the forbidden zone RUTT

SINGER, JUNE Androgyny; the opposites within 2 ed. SING

SINGER, JUNE Love's energies SING

SPRING 1995. Archetypal sex journal

STEIN, ROBERT Love, sex and marriage STEI

THOMPSON, WILLIAM I Time falling bodies take to light: mythology, sexuality and the origins of culture THOM

ULANOV, ANN & BARRY Witch and the crown; two archetypes of human sexuality ULAN

ULANOV, BARRY Transforming sexuality ...SEE Ulanov, Ann ULAN

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Gender and desire; uncursing Pandora YOUN

ZOLLA, ELEMIRE Androgyne; fusion of the sexes ZOLL


BLEAKLEY, ALAN Earth's embrace; facing the shadow of the new age BLEA

BLY, ROBERT Little book of the human shadow BLY

DALLETT, JANET Saturday's child; encounters with the dark gods DALL

ERANOS YEARBOOK 1996 Shadow of perfection ERAN


INTERNATIONAL Archetype of Shadow INTE

JOHNSON, ROBERT Owning your own shadow; understanding the dark side of the psyche JOHN

JOHNSON, ROBERT Your shadow, friend or foe Audio A63

O'KANE, FRANCOISE God's shadow and the dark self OKAN

PARABOLA v 22, no 2, 1988 Parabola v 22, no 2, 1988 journal

PAULSON, LOLA Shadow; this thing of darkness I acknowledge mine. Guild of Pastoral Pam PAUL

PERERA, SYLVIA Scapegoat complex; toward a mythology of shadow and guilt PERE

PSYCHOLOGICAL 1992 journal


STEVENS, ANTHONY Roots of war; a Jungian perspective STEV

VAN EENWYK, JOHN Archetypal shadow…roots of oppression Audio A58

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Shadow and evil in fairy tales VONF


EDINGER, EDWARD Psyche on stage; individuation motifs in Shapespeare EDIN

KIRSCH, JAMES Shakespeare's royal self KIRS

LUKE, HELEN  Old age; journey into simplicity   LUKE

ROGERS-GARDENER, B  Jung & Shakespeare: Hamlet, Othello & The Tempest    ROGE


ACHTERBERG, JEANNE Imagery in healing; shamanism and modern medicine ACHT

ANDREWS, LYNN Medicine woman ANDR

BOYD, DOUG Rolling thunder (American Indian medicine man) BOYD

DONALD, IAN Jungian understanding of ukuthwasa DONA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Shamanism: archaic techniques of ecstasy ELIA

HALIFAX, JOAN Shamanic voices; a survey of visionary narratives HALI

INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE Indigenous knowledge and its uses in South Africa. Editors H.Norman & G500 INDIsa

JILEK, WOLFGANG Indian healing; shamanic ceremonialism in the Pacific North West journal

QUADRANT Winter 1999 journal

SANDNER, DONALD Navaho symbols of healing SAND

SMITH, C MICHAEL Jung and shamanism in dialogue (ON ORDER) SMIT

SMITH, C. MICHAEL Jung & shamanism in dialogue SMIT

TAUSSIG, MICHAEL Shamanism, colonialism and the wild man; a study in terror and healing TAUS

THORPE, S A Shamans, medicine men and traditional healers; a comparative study .. THORsa

Shamanism See also Culture, anthropology


EDELMAN, SANDRA Turning the gorgon;a meditation on shame EDEL

JACOBY. MARIO Shame and the origins of self - esteem; a Jungian approach - copy 2 JACO

MORRISON, ANDREW Shame; the underside of narcissism MORR


MICHELL, JOHN Earth spirit; its ways, shrines and mysteries MICH


DOWNING, CHRISTINE Psyche's sisters; re-imagining the meaning of sisterhood DOWN


ABT, THEODOR Progress without loss of soul: towards wholistic approach ABT

BLY, ROBERT Sibling society BLY

ROSE, NICHOLAS Governing the soul; the shaping of the private self ROSE

SAMUELS, ANDREW Therapy in and of the world Audio A67

TACEY, DAVID Remaking men: Jung, spirituality and social change TACE

Sorcery See Witchcraft

Soul See Psyche, soul

Spiritual intelligence

ZOHAR, DANAH SQ; connecting with our spiritual intelligence ZOHA

WOLMAN, RICHARD Thinking with your soul; spiritual intelligence & why it matters WOLM

Spirituality See Religion


GROTSTEIN, JAMES S Splitting and projective identification GROT

Stories & storytelling

BABCOCK, BARBARA and Pueblo storyteller BABC

DWIVEDI, KEDAR Therapeutic use of stories DWIV

EDWARDS, CAROLYN Storyteller's goddess; tales of the goddess and her wisdom from around the EDWA

PESESCHKIAN, NOSRAT Oriental stories as tools in psychotherapy PESE

Stress, post-traumatic stress

BETTELHEIM, BRUNO Informed heart; autonomy in a mass age BETT

SCOTT, MICHAEL and Counselling for post-traumatic stress disorder SCOT

Subnormal children

BURT, CYRIL Subnormal mind BURT


BARTER, JOHN Towards Subud G100 BART

VAN HEIN, GORDON What is Subud? G100 VANH


CASSELL, ERIC Nature of suffering Audio A32

GILBERT, PAUL Human nature and suffering GILB

RUSSELL, PAUL Trauma, repetition & affect regulation. The work of Paul Russell RUSS


ARBERRY, A.J. Sufism; an account of the mystics of Islam G200 ARBE

WORLD OF THE SUFI World of the Sufi; an anthology G200 WORL

WILSON, PETER 'Shower of stars' initiate dream in Sufism & Taoism G200 WILS


ALVAREZ, A Savage god; a study of suicide G100 ALVA

FARBEROW, NORMAN editor Cry for help FARB

HILLMAN, JAMES Selbstmord und seelische Wandlung HILL

HILLMAN, JAMES Suicide and the soul HILL

JAMISON, KAY Night falls fast; understanding suicide JAMI

WERTHEIMER, ALISON Special scar; the experiences of people bereaved by suicide WERT


WARDI, DIANA Memorial candles; children of the Holocaust WARD

Symbols & symbolism

ADLER, GERHARD Living symbol; a case study in the process of individuation ADLE

BOOK OF KELLS Book of Kells.described by Edward Sullivan, with 24 colour reproductions.G200 BOOK

CHETWYND, TOM Dictionary of symbols R CHET

CIRLOT, J E Dictionary of symbols. 2nd edition R CIRL

CUNNINGHAM, BAILEY,  Mandala; a journey to the centre  CUNN

DAVID, JULIAN Symbol & sign in religion Audio A19

FONTANA, DAVID Secret language of symbols; a visual key to symbols and their meaning R FONT

INTERNATIONAL Congress - Jerusalem 1983. Symbolic approaches. INTE

JUNG, C G Man and his symbols. JUNG

JUNG, C G Psychology of the unconscious; study of transformations & symbolism.. JUNG

JUNG, C G Symbolic life JUNG-SYMB

KNIGHT, RICHARD History of phallic worship KNIG

LEHNER, ERNST Folklore and symbolism of flowers, plants & trees R LEHN

MOON, B. ed Encyclopedia of archetypal symbolism; ...archive for research in archetypal R MOON

PARABOLA v 24 no 3. Fall 1999. Number and Symbol journal

RAPHAELIAN, H M Signs of life; a pictorial dictionary of symbols R RAPH

SANDNER, DONALD Navaho symbols of healing SAND


STEVENS, ANTHONY Ariadne's clue; a guide to the symbols of mankind STEV

STEWART, WILLIAM Imagery & symbolism in counselling STEW

VAN EENWYK, J Archetypes & strange attractors VANE

VAN EENWYK, JOHN R. Archetypes & strange attractors; the chaotic world of symbols VANE

WESTON, JESSIE From ritual to romance; an account of the Holy Grail ... WEST

WHEELWRIGHT, PHILIP Burning fountain; a study in the language of symbolism WHEE

WHITEHEAD, ALFRED Symbolism, its meaning and effect. Barbour-Page lectures. 1927 G100 WHIT

WILLIS, ROY Man and beast WILL

WORDSWORTH Wordsworth dictionary of symbolism, Ed. Hans Biedermann. R WORD


BOLEN, JEAN S. Tao of psychology; synchronicity and the Self. BOLE

DAVID, JULIAN Synchronicity Audio A20

HOPCKE, ROBERT There are no accidents… HOPC

JUNG, C G Jung on synchronicity and the paranormal JUNG

JUNG, C G Synchronicity; an acausal connecting principle JUNG

JUNG, C G Synchronicity; an acausal connecting principle JUNG-SYN

PEAT, F.D. Synchronicity; the bridge between matter and mind PEAT

PROGOFF, IRA Jung, synchronicity and human destiny; noncausal dimensions of human PROG

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE On divination and synchronicity; the psychology of meaningful chance VONF