
ADAMS, MICHAEL Multicultural imagination; 'race', color and the unconscious ADAM

BRANDEL-SYRIER, MIA Coming through; The search for a new cultural identity G300 BRAND

WOLFENSTEIN, EUGENE Victims of democracy G300 WOLF


TE PASKE, BRADLEY Rape and ritual; a psychological study TEPA


BRITISH ASSOCIATION Redundancy; suplus to requirements:… Pam BAP


BALINT, MICHAEL Basic fault; therapeutic aspects of regression BALI

Reich, Wilhelm

CONGER, JOHN Jung and Reich; the body as shadow CONG


WILSON, COLIN Quest for Wilhelm Reich WILS

Reik, Theodor

LINDNER, ROBERT ed Exploration in psychoanalysis; essays in honor of Theodor Reik ... LIND


PARABOLA v 23 no 4. Winter 1998. Birth and rebirth journal

SANFORD, JOHN Soul journey; a Jungian analyst looks at reincarnation SANF

SANFORD, JOHN Soul journey… SANF

Relationships, marriage

BERTINE, ELEANOR Close relationships: family, friendship, marriage BERT

British Association of Family secrets Pam BPA

CAROTENUTO, ALDO Eros and pathos; shades of love and suffering CARO

FROMME, ALLAN Ability to love FROM

GUGGENBUHL-CRAIG, Marriage - dead or alive GUGG


HOLLIS, JAMES The Eden project HOLL

KAST, VERENA Mermaid in the pond KAST

LAING, R.D. Self and Others LAIN

LEONARD, LINDA On the way to the wedding; transforming the love relationship LEON

MOORE, THOMAS Soul mates; honouring the mysteries of love & relationship MOOR

ODERMATT, MARTIN Couple relationship Audio A109

OXTOBY, RICHARD Loving; a guide to better relationships OXTO

SANFORD, JOHN Invisible partners SANF

SCHAPERA, ISSAC Married life in a South African tribe G500 SCHA

SCHELLENBAUM, PETER How to say no to the one you love SCHE

SHARP, DARYL Getting to know you; the inside out of relationship SHAR

SINGER, JUNE Love's energies SING

SPRING 1996. Marriages. journal

VALCARENGHI, MARINA Relationships; transforming archetypes VALC

WEINRICH, A K H African marriage in Zimbabwe and the impact of Christianity G500 WIN


YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Hags and heroes; a feminist approach to Jungian psychotherapy with couples YOUN


ALBANESE, CATHERINE Nature religion in America; from the Algonkian Indians to the New Age G200 ALBA

AUTTON, NORMAN Pastoral care of the mentally ill G200 AUTT

BACHOFEN, J Myth, religion, and mother right; selected writings BACH

BANCROFT, ANNE Origins of the sacred; the way of the sacred in Western tradition BANC

BANTON, MICHAEL editor Anthropological approaches to the study of religion G200 BANT

BHUGRA, D. Ed. Psychiatry and Religion; context, consensus and controversies BHUG

BLACK ELK and NEIHARDT, Black Elk speaks; being the life story of a holy man of the Oglala Sioux G200 BLAC

BLAMIRES, STEVE Irish Celtic magical tradtion BLAM

BLEAKLEY, ALAN Earth's embrace; facing the shadow of the new age BLEA

BOUQUET, A C Comparative religion G200 BOUQ

BURKERT, WALTER Ancient mystery cults. The Jackson lectures. BURK

BREWI, JANICE Mid-life spirituality & Jungian archetypes BREW

BURLAND, C.A. Gods of Mexico G200 BURL

CAMPBELL, JOSEPH Inner reaches of outer space… CAMP

CHARDIN, TEILHARD DE Milieu divin; an essay on the interior life G200 CHAR

CHARDIN, TEILHARD DE Phenomenon of man G100 CHAR

CONRADIE, GUSTAV Pioneer of inner space; the religious legacy of C G Jung CONR

CORBETT, LIONEL Religious function of the psyche CORB

CROWLEY, VIVIANNE Principles of Jungian spirituality CROW

DALLETT, JANET Not-yet-transferred god; … DALL

DEGENAAR, JOHAN Death of god; a secular view of religion UCT Summer School lectures) G200 DEGEsa

DOURLEY, JOHN Love, celibacy and the inner marriage DOUR

DOURLEY, JOHN Psyche as sacrament; a comparative study of C G Jung and Paul Tillich DOUR

DURKHEIM, EMILE Elementary forms of religious life G200 DURK

EDINGER, EDWARD Archetype of the Apocalypse… EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Bible and psyche; individuation symbolism in the Old Testament EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Creation of consciousness; Jung's myth for modern man EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD New god-image; a study of Jung's key letters concerning the evolution of the EDIN

EDINGER, EDWARD Transformation of the god-image; elucidation of Jung's Answer to Job EDIN

ELIADE GUIDE… Eliade guide to World religions R ELIA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Myths, dreams & mysteries; .. contemporary faiths & archaic realities ELIA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Patterns in comparative religion ELIA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Sacred and the profane; the nature of religion ELIA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Two and the one ELIA

ELIADE, MIRCEA Yoga; immortality and freedom ELIA

ENGELSMAN, JOAN Feminine dimension of the divine ENGE

FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE Golden bough; 13 volumes FRAZ

FROMM, ERICH Psychoanalysis and religion FROM

GOLDBRUNNER, J. Realization; anthropology of pastoral care GOLD

GRIFFIN, DAVID God and religion in the postmodern world; essays in postmodern theology G200 GRIF

GRIFFITHS, BEDE Marriage of east and west. A sequel to the Golden String. GRIF

GRIFFITHS, BEDE New vision of reality GRIF

HARRIS, ERDMAN God's image and man's imagination G200 HARR

HAWKES, JACQUETTA Man and the sun G200 HAWK

HICK, JOHN Interpretation of religion; human responses to the transcendent G200 HICK

HILLMAN, JAMES Insearch; psychology and religion HILL

HUDSON, JOYCE Natural spirituality… HUDS

HUGHES, THOMAS HYWEL New psychology and religious experience HUGH

JAFFE LAWRENCE Liberating the heart; spirituality and Jungian psychology JAFF

JAFFE, LAWRENCE Celebrating soul; preparing for the new religion JAFF

JAMES, WILLIAM Varieties of religious experience JAME

JOHNSON, RAYNOR Religious outlook for modern man G200 JOHN

JOHNSON, RAYNOR Spiritual path G200 JOHN

JONAS, HANS Gnostic religions; the message of the alien god and the beginnings of JONA

JULIAN OF NORWICH Revelations of divine love JULI

JUNG, C G Jung and the monotheists JUNG

JUNG, C G Jung's thoughts on God… JUNG

JUNG, C G Psychology and religion JUNG

JUNG, C G Psychology and religion: West and East JUNG-PSYC

JUNG, C G Psychology and Western religion JUNG

JURRIAANSE, AART Bridges; basic studies in esoteric philosophy G200 JURR

KELLETT, ARNOLD Isms and ologies; a guide to unorthodox and non-Christian beliefs G200 KELL

KHAN, HAZRAT Unity of religious ideals G200 KHAN

LANG, ANDREW Myth, ritual and religion, 2 Volumes. G200 LANG

LESSA, W A and VOGT, E Z Reader in comparative religion; an anthropological approach. 4 ed. G220 LESS

LEWIS, C S Mind awake; an anthology of C S L, ed C Kilby G220 LEWI

LISSNER, IVAR Man, god and magic. tr. from German G200 LISS

LOWIE, ROBERT Primitive religion G500 LOWI

MACCULLOCH, J A Religion of the ancient Celts G200 MACC

MEHTA, P D Heart of religion G200 MEHT

MEIER, C A Jung's analytical psychology and religion MEIE

MERTON, THOMAS Ascent to truth MERT

MOGENSON, GREG God is a trauma; vicarious religion & soul-making MOGE

MOORE, PHYLLIS No other gods; an interpretation of the biblical myth for a transbiblical age MOOR

MOORE, THOMAS Care of the soul MOOR

NIGOSAN, S A World religions G200 NIGO

O'KANE, FRANCOISE God's shadow and the dark self OKAN

OTTO, RUDOLF Idea of the holy; an enquiry into the non-rational factor.. 2 ed. OTTO

PALMER, MICHAEL Freud and Jung on religion PALM

PARRINDER, GEOFFREY World's living religions G200 PARR

PERK, DAVID Man's quest for meaning, faith and identity G100 PERK

PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION Psychology of religion: photocopied readings PSYC

RADHAKRISHNAN, S Idealist view of life. Rev. 2 ed. G200 RADH

RADIN, PAUL Primitive religion, its nature and origin RADI

RIZZUTO, ANA-MARIA Birth of the living god; a psychoanalytic study RIZZ

SADHU, MOUNI Theurgy; the art of effective worship G200 SADH

SANFORD, JOHN Man who wrestled with God SANF

SCULLY, VINCENT Earth, the temple and the gods; Greek sacred architecture G700 SCUL

SHELDRAKE, RUPERT and Natural grace; dialogues on science and spirituality SHEL

SIMON, JOHN Bishop for the Hottentots; African memories 1882-1909 G200 SIMOsa

SMART, NINIAN Religious experience of mankind G200 SMAR

SMITH, HOMER Man and his gods. Foreword by Albert Einstein G200 SMIT

SMOLEY, RICHARD Hidden wisdom; a guide to Western inner traditions SMOL

SPIEGELMAN, J M ed Psychology and religion at the millennium SPIE

STEIN, MURRAY and Jung's challenge to contemporary religion STEI

STONE, MERLIN When God was a woman STON

TIME-LIFE BOOKS World's great religions G200 TIME

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD Historian's approach to religion, based on Gifford lectures ...1952-3 G200 TOYN

ULANOV, ANN Religion and the spiritual in Carl Jung ULAN

VAN DER LEEU, G Religion in essence and manifestion; a study in phenomenology G200 VAND

WATERS, FRANK Masked gods; Navaho and Pueblo ceremonialism WATE

WELCH, JOHN Spiritual pilgrims; Carl Jung and Teresa of Avila WELC

WENEGRAT, BRANT Divine archetype; the sociobiology of religion WENE

WESTMAN, HEINZ Structure of biblical myths; the ontogenesis of the psyche WEST

WHITE, VICTOR God and the unconscious WHIT

WHITFIELD, CAROL Jungian myth and Advaita Vedanta WHIT

WHITMONT, EDWARD Return of the goddess WHIT

WORDSWORTH Wordsworth dictionary of beliefs and religions. Editor R. Goring R WORD

YOUNG, DUDLEY Origins of the sacred; the ecstasies of love and war YOUN

ZOHAR, DANAH SQ; connecting with our spiritual intelligence ZOHA

Religion See also Christianity

Religion, Africa

BLOOMHILL, GRETA Witchcraft in Africa BLOOsa

BRANDEL-SYRIER, MIA Black woman in search of God G200 BRANsa

BROSTER, JOAN A Amaqirha; religion, magic and medicine in Transkei BROSsa

CALLAWAY, H Religious system of the amazulu G200 CALLsa

FLETCHER, H C Psychic episodes of great Zimbabwe FLETsa

GELFAND, MICHAEL Shona religion ... G200 GELFsa

LAN, DAVID Guns and rain; guerrillas and spirit mediums in Zimbabwe LANsa

MBITI, JOHN Prayers of African religion MBITsa

MUTWA, VUSAMAZULU Indaba, my children G500 MUTWsa

OOSTHUIZEN, G C Religion alive; studies in new movements and indigenous churches in S. Africa OOSTsa

OOSTHUIZEN, G C and others Afro-Christian religion and healing in southern Africa OOSTsa

PERK, DAVID Man's quest for meaning, faith, and identity G100PERKsa

SCHEUB, HAROLD Dictionary of African mythology R SCHE


SIMON, JOHN Bishop for the Hottentots G200 SIMOsa

TURNER, VICTOR Drums of affliction… G500 TURNsa

Religion, Egypt

BOOK OF THE DEAD Book of the dead, based on papyri ... by Albert Champdor G200 BOOK

BREASTED, JAMES Development of religion and thought in ancient Egypt G200 BREA

BUDGE, WALLIS Egyptian religion G200 BUDGE

Religion, Greek

HARRISON, JANE Prolegomena to the study of Greek religion G200 HARR

HARRISON, JANE Themis: a study of the social origins of Greek religion G200 HARR

Religion, Mexico

BURLAND, C.A. Gods of Mexico G200 BURL

Rhythm See Time, rhythm

Rites of passage

MAHDI, LOUISE ed Betwixt and between; patterns of masculine and feminine MAHD

MAHDI, LOUISE ed Crossroads; the quest for contemporary rites of passage MADH

VAN GENNEP, ARNOLD Rites of passage VANG


DUERR, HANS P Dreamtime; concerning the boundary between wilderness and civilisation DUER

ELIADE, MIRCEA Sacred and the profane; the nature of religion ELIA

ERIKSON, E. Toys and reasons; stages in the ritualization of experience. ERIK

HAMMOND-TOOKE, DAVID Rituals and medicines HAMMsa

LANG, ANDREW Myth, ritual and religion, 2 Volumes. G200 LANG

MAHDI, LOUISE ed Betwixt and between… MAHD

MEIER, C A Healing dream and ritual; ancient incubation and modern psychotherapy MEIE

MURRAY, GRACE Ancient rites and ceremonies MURR

ROOSE-EVANS, J. Passages of the soul; ritual today ROOS

ROOSE-EVANS, J. Passages of the soul; ritual today ROOS

SHORTER, BANI Susceptible to the sacred; the psychological experience of ritual SHOR

SPENCE, LEWIS Myth & ritual in dance, game & rhyme SPEN

TE PASKE, BRADLEY Rape and ritual; a psychological study TEPA

TURNER, VICTOR Forest of symbols; aspects of Ndembu ritual G500 TURNsa

VAN GENNEP, ARNOLD Rites of passage SPEN

WATERS, FRANK Masked gods; Navaho and Pueblo ceremonialism WATE

WESTON, JESSIE From ritual to romance; an account of the Holy Grail ... WEST

YOUNG, DUDLEY Origins of the sacred; the ecstasies of love and war YOUN

ZOJA, LUIGI Drugs, addiction & initiation; modern search for ritual ZOJA