Eastern religion & philosophy

ARBERRY, A.J. Sufism; an account of the mystics of Islam G200 ARBE

BRUNTON, PAUL Hidden teaching beyond yoga G100 BRUN

CHINESE RELIGION Chinese religion; readings G200 CHIN

COUKOULIS, P. Guru, psychotherapist… COUK

COWARD, HAROLD Jung and Eastern thought COWA

DUTT, K Existentialism and Indian thought G100 DUTT

EATON, GAI Richest vein; eastern tradition and modern thought EATO

GRIFFITHS, BEDE Marriage of east and west. A sequel to the Golden String. GRIF

HINDU MYTHS Hindu myths; a sourcebook translated from Sanscrit FM HIND

HINDU SCRIPTURES Hindu scriptures. Translated and edited by R C Zaehner G200 HIND

IZUTSU, TOSHIHIKO and On images; Far Eastern ways of thinking. Between image and no-image & .. IZUT

JACOBS, HANS Western psychotherapy and Hindu-Sadhana JACO

JUNG, C G Jung on the East. Ed J.J. Clarke JUNG

JUNG, C G Psychology of the kundalini yoga; notes of a seminar JUNG

JUNG, C G Psychology and the East JUNG

KOESTLER, ARTHUR Lotus and the robot G200 KOES

LANKAVATARA SUTRA Lankavatara sutra. Translated by D T Suzuki G200 LANK

LAO TSE Wisdom of Laotse. tr and ed. by Lin Yutang G200 LAOT

LAO TSU Tao te ching. New translation by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English G200 LAOT

LAO TZU Tao te ching. Translated by D. Lau G200 LAOT

PEARSON, NATHANIEL Sri Aurobindo and the soul quest of man... study of LIFE DIVINE. G200 PEAR

PESESCHKIAN, NOSSRAT Oriental stories as tools in psychotherapy PESE

RAJU, P T Idealistic thought of India G100 RAJU

ROSS, NANCY Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen; ... an introduction to their meaning and their arts G200 ROSS

SERRANO, MIGUEL Serpent of paradise; the story of an Indian pilgrimage G100 SERR

SPIEGELMAN, J MARVIN and Hinduism and Jungian psychology SPIE

TIBETAN BOOK OF THE Tibetan book of the dead; the great liberation through hearing in the bardo G200 TIBE

VERMASEREM, M J Mithras, the secret god G200 VERM

WALEY, ARTHUR Way and its power; study of Tao Te Ching and its place in Chinese thought. G200 WALE

WATTS, ALAN Essence of Alan Watts WATT

WATTS, ALAN Psychotherapy East and West WATTS

WHITEMAN, JOHN Aphorisms on spiritual method; the Yoga sutras of Pataljali in the light of …G100 WHIT

WHITFIELD, CAROL Jungian myth and Advaita Vedanta WHIT

WILHELM, RICHARD Secret of the golden flower .. foreword & comment. by C G Jung WILH

ZIMMER, HEINRICH Philosophies of India. Edited by Joseph Campbell ZIMM

Eating disorders

WOODMAN, MARION Owl was a baker's daughter WOOD

Ecology See Biology, ecology


PARABOLA v 23 no 2 May 1998. Ecstasy journal


ADLER, ALFRED Education of children ADLE

ALLAN, JOHN Inscapes of the child's world: Jungian counselling in schools & clinics ALLA

BARZUN. JACQUES House of intellect G100 BARZ

GOPNIK, ALISON et al Scientist in the crib; minds, brains … GOPN

MONTESSORI, MARIA Absorbent mind G100 MONT

PARABOLA Parabola, no 3 Fall 2000 Teacher journal

READ, HERBERT Education through art G700 READ

READ, HERBERT Redemption of the robot; my encounter with education through art G700 READ

Ego, Ego psychology

FREUD, ANNA Ego and the mechanisms of defence FREU


AVERILL, JAMES Voyages of the heart; living an emotionally creative life AVER

DAMASIO, ANTONIO Feeling of what happens; body and emotion in the making of consciousness DAMA

DRYDEN, WINDY Reason to change; Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy DRYD

GOLEMAN, DANIEL Emotional intelligence GOLE

KEEN, SAM Inward bound; exploring the geography of your emotions KEEN

LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, R Dionysus in exile; on the repression of the body & emotion LOPE

ORBACH, SUSIE Towards emotional literacy ORBA

PERRY, JOHN Emotions and object relations Pam PERR

RUSSELL, PAUL Trauma, repetition & affect regulation. The work of Paul Russell RUSS

SROUFE, L.A. Emotional development SROU


ABT, THEODOR Progress without loss of soul: towards wholistic approach ABT

VAN DER POST, LAURENS Speech…Environmental management Audio A49

VAN DER POST, LAURENS Wilderness & the search for soul Audio A42


BRITISH ASSOCIATION Envy in the family Pam BAP

British Association of Envy in the family Pam BPA

KLEIN, MELANIE Envy and gratitude; a study of unconscious sources KLEI

PINES, AYALA Romantic jealousy PINE

ULANOV, ANN & BARRY Cinderella and her sisters; the envied and the envying ULAN

Eros See Love


ERIKSON, E. Insight and responsibility; lectures on ethical implications ERIK

FROMM, ERICH Man for himself FROM

FROMM, ERICH Man for himself… FROM

NEUMANN, ERICH Depth psychology and a new ethic NEUM

ROSS, LENA and ROY, M Cast the first stone; ethics in analytic pracatice ROSS


LELAND, CHARLES Etruscan magic and occult remedies LELA


CARUS, PAUL History of the devil ... G200 CARU

DALLETT, JANET Saturday's child; encounters with the dark gods DALL

DIAMOND, STEPHEN Anger, madness & the daemonic … DIAM

JACOBY, MARIO Witches, ogres and the devil's daughter JACO

JUNG, C G On evil. Editor Murray Stein JUNG

KLUGER, RIVKAH Satan in the Old Testament KLUG

MORRISH, IVOR Dark twin; a study of evil - and good MORR

PARABOLA v 24 no 4. Winter 1999 journal

SANFORD, JOHN C G Jung and the problem of evil; the strange trial of Mr Hyde SANF

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Shadow and evil in fairy tales VONF

WATSON, LYALL Dark nature; a natural history of evil G100 WATS

WOODRUFF, PAUL and Facing evil; light at the core of darkness WOOD

ZIMMER, HEINRICH King and the corpse; tales of the soul's conquest of evil.. ed J Campbell 2 ed ZIMM

Evil See also Violence, cruelty

Evolution, evolutionary psychology

BADCOCK, CHRISTOPHER Psycho Darwinism; the new synthesis of Darwin and Freud BADC

BERGSON, HENRI Creative evolution G100 BERG

BUSS, DAVID Evolutionary psychology; the new science of the mind BUSS

CHARDIN, TEILHARD DE Phenomenon of man G100 CHAR

DAWKINS, RICHARD Blind watchmaker G500 DAWK

DE WAAL, FRANK Good natured: origins of right and wrong in humans … DEWA

DONALD, MERLIN Origins of the modern mind G100 DONA

GAULIN, S and D MC BURNEY Psychology; an evolutionary approach GAUL

GILBERT, PAUL Human nature and suffering GILB

KOESTLER, ARTHUR Ghost in the machine G100 KOES

PERRY, JOHN Heart of history; individuality in emotion PERR

PLOTKIN, HENRY Evolution in mind… PLOT

STEVENS, ANTHONY Evolutionary psychiatry STEV

TUMMON, PATRICK Archetypes; evolutionary biology, loss of soul TUMM

TUMMON, PATRICK For Gods sake;…evolutionary perspective Audio 101


DAVIS, GEORGE Existentialism and theology ... the contribution of Rudolf Bultman ... G200 DAVI

DUTT, K Existentialism and Indian thought G100 DUTT

MIHALICH, JOSEPH Existentialism and Thomism G100 MIHA


OGDEN, THOMAS Primitive edge of experience OGDE

Extrasensory perception

JAFFE, ANIELA Apparitions; an archetypal approach to death, dreams and ghosts JAFF