Dance, movement

HENDERSON, HELEN Self in motion Audio 122

BLACKMER, JOAN Acrobats of the gods; dance and transformation BLAC

CHODROW, JOAN Dance therapy and depth psychology; the moving imagination CHOD

SPENCE, LEWIS Myth & ritual in dance, game & rhyme SPEN

WATERS, FRANK Masked gods; Navaho and Pueblo ceremonialism WATE

WOSIEN, MARIA-GABRIELE Sacred dance; encounter with the gods WOSI


LUKE, HELEN M Dark wood to white rose; journey & transformation in Dante's Divine Comedy LUKE

Dead sea scrolls

BURROWS, MILLAR More light on the Dead Sea scrolls ... G200 BURR

GASTER, THEODOR Scriptures of the Dead Sea scrolls G200 GAST

GILKES, A. N. Impact of the dea sea scrolls G200 GILK

HOELLER, STEPHAN Jung and the lost gospels; insights into the Dead Sea scrolls HOEL

SCHUBERT, KURT Dead sea community; its origins and teachings G200 SCHU


ASCHWANDEN, HERBERT Symbols of death; an analysis of the consciousness of the Karanga G500 ASCH

BERTOIA, JUDY Drawings from a dying child BERT

BOOK OF THE DEAD Book of the dead, based on papyri ... by Albert Champdor G200 BOOK

BURLAND, C.A. Myths of life and death BURL

DUNNE, JOHN City of the gods; a study in myth and mortality G200 DUNN

GORDON, ROSEMARY Dying and creating: a search for meaning GORD

GROF, STANISLAV Human encounter with death GROF

GROFF, STANISLAV Books of the dead G200 GROF

HENDERSON, J. Wisdom of the serpent; the myths of death.. HEND

HERZOG, EDGAR Psyche and death; archaic myths and modern dreams ... HERZ

JAFFE, ANIELA Apparitions; an archetypal approach to death, dreams and ghosts JAFF

JUNG, C G Jung on death and immortality JUNG

KUBLER-ROSS, ELISABETH Death; the final stage of growth KUBL

KUBLER-ROSS, ELISABETH Living with death and dying G100 KUBL

KUBLER-ROSS, ELIZABETH On death and dying G100 KUBL

LORRIMER, DAVID Near-death experience Audio 131

MOODY, RAYMOND Life after life G100 MOOD

PARABOLA v.27 No. 2 Summer 2002 journal

ULANOV, ANN Wizard's gate; picturing consciousness. 1991 Hale Memorial Lecture ULAN

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE On dreams and death; a Jungian interpretation VONF


WILBER, KEN Grace and grit; spirituality and healing in the life and death of Treya Wilber WILB

WOODMAN, MARION Bone; dying into life WOOD


WINNICOTT, D.W. Deprivation and deliquency WINN


BOWLBY, JOHN Loss: sadness and depression ( v.3 of Attachment and loss) BOWL

COYNE, JAMES editor Essential papers on depression COYN

GILBERT, PAUL Counselling for depression GILB

GILBERT, PAUL Depression; the evolution of powerlessness GILB

GILBERT, PAUL Overcoming depression… GILB

HOLLIS, JAMES Swamplands of the soul HOLL

KIBEL, DAVID Depression Audio A53

KIBEL, DAVID Depression; an evolutionary and archetypal perspective Pam KIBE

KIELHOLZ, P editor Masked depression. An international symposium KIEL

ROSEN, DAVID Transforming depression; healing the soul through creativity. ROSE

SOLOMON, ANDREW Noonday demon; an anatomy of depression SOLO

Depth psychology


WYSS, DIETER Depth psychology; a critical history. Development, problems, crises WYSS


DESCARTES, RENE Rules for the direction of the mind: Discourse on method G100 DESC

Developmental psychology

FREUD, ANNA Normality and pathology in childhood FREU

KITWOOD, TOM Concern for others; a new psychology of conscience and morality KITW

RUTTER, MICHAEL and Developing minds; challenge and continuity across the life span RUTTE


JOHNSON, ROBERT Ecstasy; understanding the psychology of joy JOHN

LOPEZ-PEDRAZA, R. Dionysus in exile;..repression of the body… LOPE

OTTO, WALTER Dionysus; myth and cult OTTO

Disease See Illness


VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE On divination and synchronicity VONF

Drama, See Literature, drama

JENKYNS, MARINA Play's the thing; exploring text in drama and therapy JENK


ASPER, KATHRINE Inner child in dreams ASPE

BAYNES, H G Mythology of the soul; research ...from schizophrenic dreams and drawings BAYN

BOSNAK, ROBERT Tracks in the wilderness of dreaming BOSN



CHINKWITA, MARY Usefulness of dreams; an African perspective CHIN

COVITZ, JOEL Visions in the night; …dream interpretations COVI

COXHEAD, DAVID and Dreams; visions of the night COXH

CUSHWAY, DELLA and Counselling with dreams and nightmares CUSH



FODOR, NANDOR New approaches to dream interpretation FODO

FORD, MARJORIE and FORD, Dreams and inward journeys; a reader for writers FORD

FREUD, SIGMUND Interpretation of dreams FREU

FROMM, ERICH Forgotten language; an introduction to the understanding of dreams ... FROM

GENDLIN, E. Let your body interpet your dreams GEND

GOOSEN, MARGARETHA Exploring consistency & the consequences of possible disfunction in the GOOS

GREEN, CELIA Lucid dreams GREE

HALL, JAMES A Jungian dream interpretation; a handbook of theory and practice HALL

HALL, JAMES A Patterns of dreaming; Jungian techniques in theory and practice HALL

HILLMAN, JAMES Dream and the underworld HILL

JOHNSON, ROBERT Inner work; using dreams and active imagination for personal growth JOHN

JUNG, C G Dream analysis: notes of seminars in analytical psychology 3 ed 2vol JUNG


KAWAI, HAYAO Dreams, myths and fairy tales in Japan KAWA

KIRSH, JAMES Reluctant prophet (Rabbi Hile Wechsler) KIRS

KRIPPNER, STANLEY ed Dreamscaping: new and creative ways to work with your dreams KRIP

LANGS, ROBERT Decoding your dreams LANG

MAHONEY, MARIA Meaning of dreams and dreaming; the Jungian viewpoint MAHO

MANKOWITZ, ANN Change of life; a psychological study of dreams and the menopause MANK

MATTOON, MARY ANN Understanding dreams MATT

MEIER, C A Healing dream and ritual; ancient incubation and modern psychotherapy MEIE

MEIER, C A Meaning and significance of dreams MEIE

MINDELL, ARNOLD Dreambody; the body's role in revealing the self MIND

MINDELL, ARNOLD Working with the dream body MIND

MATO, TATAYA Black madonna within; drawings, dreams, reflections MATO

MOON, SHEILA Dreams of a woman; an analyst's inner journey MOON

OGDEN, THOMAS Reverie and interpretation OGDE

PSYCHOLOGICAL 1996 journal

QUADRANT 24, 25, 1992 journal

ROMAN, KLARA Handwriting; a key to personality ROHE

ROOMY, DAVID Passages of the soul; ritual today ROOM

RUSSAK, NEIL Animal guides in life; myth, dreams RUSS

SANFORD, JOHN Dreams; gods forgotten language SANF

SANFORD, JOHN Invisible partners; how the male and female in each of us affects our SANF

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, N & Dreams in analysis SCHW

SEGALLER, STEPHEN Wisdomof the dream… world of C.G.Jung SEGA

SHARPE, ELLA Dream analysis; a practical handbook for psycho-analysts SHAR

SIGNELL, KAREN Wisdom of the heart; working with women's dreams SIGN

STEVENS, ANTHONY Private myths; dreams and dreaming STEV

ULLMAN, MONTAGUE editor Variety of dream experience ULLM

VAN BREDA, ADRIAN Dr's Jung and Tiso exchange dreams VANBsa

VAN RENSBURG, CAS Jou drome; die onbewiste het antwoorde VANRsa

VEDFELT, OLE Dimensions of dreams; the nature, function & interpretation of dreams VEDF

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Dreams (of Jung, Descartes and others) VONF

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE On dreams and death; a Jungian interpretation VONF

VON FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE Way of the dream; conversations on Jungian dream interpretation VONF

VON GRUNEBAUM, G E editor Dream and human societies VONG

WATKINS, MARY Waking dreams 3 ed. WATK

WHITMONT, EDWARD and Dreams, a portal to the source WHIT

WILLIAMS, S. Dreamwork manual; a step-by-step introduction to working with dreams WILL

WILMER, HARRY How dreams help WILM

WILSON, PEPER 'Shower of stars'; initiatic dream in Sufism & Taoism G200 WILS

WOODMAN, MARION Dreams - language of the soul Audio A38-39

ZELLER, MAX Dream; the vision of the night ZELL