"...the throne was a tabula rasa …

waiting for the Queen’s name to be written on it."


 Scholastic are the definition of God as actus purissimus, the Peripatetic description of the intellect as tabula rasa, the distinction between intellectus agens and intellectus possibilis, and many other details. 

PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER, The Scholastic Background of Marsilio Ficino with an Edition of Unpublished Texts, Traditio 2, 1944, p.267

"so he spent the days, aparently slothful, but highly energetic in his efforts to become tabula rasa."

Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before, Secker & Warburg, London, 1995.

   So from the historical point of view, Guenon represented a break in the continuation of Western esotericism. He starts from Blavatsky, from the Theosophical Society, from the Martinists, from a number of orders and initiatic organizations of his time. But he tries to make a tabula rasa and to create something thoroughly different.


Antoine Faivre, the Gnosis Interview, Spring 1994, p. 67.

"Now we have an idea of the goal that is tender, soft, like sugar, malleable as wax. This stone melts easily; it receives impressions like a tabula rasa and then just as easily lets them go again. It asks to be affected, penetrated and, because transparent, seen through."

James Hillman, Concerning the Stone.

 He will go for a tabula rasa policy in Kosovo."

BBC News. 25th March 1999.

“It was Locke who launched the ‘bucket theory’ with his postulate that the mind of the new-born baby must be viewed as a tabula rasa, an empty slate; nothing could enter this mind except through the sense organs.”

E. H. Gombrich,  The Sense of Order, A Study in the psychology of decorative art, Phaidon, Oxford, 1979, p. 1.

tabula rasa

obliteration, 550 n. , Roget's Thesaurus.

tab'ula (Anat.) hard flat surface of bone etc.; tab'ula rasa erased tablet (fig.) human mind at birth viewed as having no innate ideas.

[Latin = table]

pal'impsest, n & a. Writing-material, manuscript, the original writing on which has been effaced to make room for a second; …[f. L f.Gk palimpsestos (palin, again + psoa rub smooth)]

"The city displays the layering of the Hindu tradition like a palimpsest, an old parchment that has been written upon and imperfectly erased again and again, leaving the old layers partially visible."

Diana L. Eck, Banaras, City of Light, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983, p. 9.

The Glass Womb

The Emerald Table

