As usual, the Hermetic proceedure involves making a Mountain out of a Molehill. And, as usual, the Molehill in this case, is another analogy. E.Neumann gives this priceless clue, on the basis of which the Myths of Pluto are constructed. It is the fact that the Greeks practiced:

"...the custom of storing grain in subterranean pithoi."   Neumann, Great Mother, .p. 162.

            The seed was stored in underground pithoi, from June to October when it is then re-united with Mother Earth during the sowing. Likewise, it also be analogically apparent, that seed stored in the womb also brings brings forth its fruit at the appointed time. These two ideas, the one agricultural, and partaking of the life of the plant, the other pointing to the fertility of human biology, can be seen in a definition of Pluto from the popular press.

"The name Pluto, from the Greek PLOUTON, signifies fertility and is thought to be rooted in the Sumerian BOROTUN, meaning 'deliverer of the womb'. In ancient Greek mythology, Pluto exemplifies power and will as the unscrupulous god of the underworld. In his gloomy domain deep below ground, he receives and regenerates the souls of the dead." etc.

The book quoted here is entitled: 'The Case for Reincarnation' with a short introduction by H.H. the Dalai Lama. But as a xerox of one chapter only was sent to me, the chapter on Pluto, in fact, I have not yet located the author and publisher. It was a paperback.

            From the rich variety of associations hinted at here, it is not a great distance to see the correspondence between Earth, Womb and Consciousness. After all, Memory is the Storehouse on which consciousness depends. This Storehouse can also be rephrased as the basic genetic material, e.g. DNA. After all, the human seed contains everything necessary for its evoltuon, or in some cases, devolution.

            This is by analogy a symbol of the subconscious storage systems; and there are various ways of looking at this, from the very gross to the subtle perspectives.

            There are three distinct departments that emerge here.

            1.) The actual subterranean sites - such are caves, vaults, cellars and so forth.

2.) Subterranean treasures or stored valuables, in the sense of an archive or underground             museum.

            This is the CONTENT of the above! In other words, what do the suterranean vaults CONTAIN. They are not empty. In certain mystical teachings, for example, the Teachings of Maitreya in Tibetan Buddhism, there are indications that such sub or unconscious storehouses are viewed as impurities, and are cleansed of their contents. This cleansing may be refered to in the Myth of Hercules cleansing the Augean Stables.

3.) The psychological, analogical correspondence of the subterranean storage with the sub-conscious.

4.) Also possibly to be interpreted psychologically, Hell, Inferno and the Kingdom of Pluto or Hades. And their respective Queens.

Pluto as a general indicator of liminality.