According to my astrological chart, I have Mercury as the Ruler of the chart, conjoined to Mars in Sagittarius. This indicates as essential Hermetic/Mercurial mind, fused to the furnace of Mars.

There are two main factors to my life at present, two that are central to the very core of my being, and I was interested to find that these two action patterns, archetypal modes of operation, were also identified by Mark Stefik in his book ‘Internet Dreams’. Actually he identifies four categories in the context of the present cybernetic age - but the other two I found out of context. The first is what Mark Stefik calls the "The Digital Library Metaphor".

As at the present time, there are too many beings who do not know what the word ‘digital’ means, and I think we are not dealing with a metaphor - in any event, I am not - so I prefer to establish this territory or site within existing archetypal geographies, which, whether digital or not, is:


              Which says Stefik:

"...awakens the archetypal ‘keeper of knowledge’ or conservator within us and reminds us to gather and preserve knowledge for future generations:..." [*]

              These words are very comforting to my ears. To keep, or conserve knowledge, means that we have to develop storage systems for managing the knowledge. This is similar to the  North American Medicine Animal – SQUIRREL.

              Now, if we allow ourselves the freedom of mind, to leap across the centuries - and across cultures, to a place and time far away - we come to a mystical Brotherhood called the Ikhwan al Safa, which had as one of its express aims:

          "The Ikhwan, then, believe it legitimate to adopt all "the sciences and wisdoms" produced by the efforts (supported by divine inspiration) of the good philosophers (certain philosophers were also prophets, prophets being the best of the philosophers) and those that have been revealed by God in the course of the previous millennia. They claim, then, to present a compendium of all the sciences known in their time, taken, in the first place, from these ancient books, next from the "caliphs of the prophets" and their companions. This is what has led Orientalists to regard the Epistles as an Encyclopaedia. These sciences express the profound "realities" (haka"ik) of the universe, which support revelation ..."

              The Epistles of the Ikhwan expressed the desire to preserve the esoteric heritage of the past, and project it in fundamental and dynamic new forms into the future. This has always been the modus operandi of the Hermetic Tradition. The discoveries in subterranean vaults, are therefore, as we will see, archetypal - and bring into focus the idea of buried, or stored treasures. This can be seen, on one level, as symbolic of the untapped resources of the Collective Unconsciousness.


              Mark Stefik calls this " THE ELECTRONIC MAIL METAPHOR."

              "...appeals to the communicator within us and brings to mind our need to exchange thoughts with friends and community;..." [Mark Stefik, Internet Dreams, The MIT Press, $30. From a review of the book in IU, Feb./March 1997. Issue 15.]

Tracking the surfing patterns.

Platforming, multi-tasking, upload, download, cyberporn, FTF - Face to Face, Roolz of Sux -
