As we see in The Inquisition, the transmission of Esoteric Doctrines in any form other than the Theology sanctified by the Christian Church, was a dangerous profession and unorthodox methods had to be put into operation. Nature supplies that excellent technique called camouflage, and this is one reason why Alchemy is/was transmitted as 'The Hidden'. Or, Occult.

Alchemy is basically a detective story. We are searching for something hidden. Like a `Missing Persons Bureau'. We know that on the Outer Level, the political facade, that the hidden thing or substance was hidden to insure its survival. Chameleon-like. Our detective blood tells us that the substance is within the beautiful Russian Doll. We open it, to find an identical doll inside. We open that - and again, an identical doll, only each time smaller. And another.Finally we reach the tiniest central doll, the nucleus. And we break it open to find nothing or no `thing' inside. The same idea comes up in the Upanishads.

So in that case, if no `thing' was hidden, what is all the fuss about? As the King of Siam said `It's a puzzlement." And Alice in Wonderland had much to say about this matter. The Alchemists were in no hurry to explain either. They went about their business as did the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat. But Alchemists, the Cheshire Cat and the Russian Dolls all have one thing in common. The common factor is SEQUENCE.



"There are those who think that this Art was first discovered by Solomon, or rather imparted to him by Divine Revelation."

Chapter X! -'Open Entrance.'

The question is - whether the material or `Work' can ever be exhausted in a finalistic sense. Even the Cessation of Enlightenment indicates an altruistic return to serve All Sentient Beings.

What becomes clear is the relationship between circulatory processes, such as fantasy production, neurosis, imagination - and the static fixation of habitual forms on the negative side of the spectrum, the calcifications of life itself. So many levels emerge as the research proceeds.

Indeed Michael Maier would have had Dr John Dee as Master-Transmitter, just as his debt to Paracelsus is obvious. Thus it is to the `Monas Hieroglyphicus' that we must turn for concentrated and seminal paradigms of the processes that unfold in the work of Maier in general, and the `Atalanta Fugiens' in particular.

There is one alchemical paradigm (model, plan) in the Monas, which gives many structural insights into the Emblem of `Atalanta' and in a similar way, structures relating to the Sephira Yetsira emerge as a sub-text, beneath the surface of the words and the pictures. Albeit coded into the Greek Myths and ancient Egyptian Deities.

Multiple, interpenetrating strata float and congeal, perhaps only brought into concrete focus by the experience of the researcher.One is aware of having entered a Maze in which the subjective microcosmic details make one pause to amplify objective macrocosmic principles. All the while, enrichening and vivifying the inner life, adding great depth to the process which is, in toto, the Mystery of Being itself.


Zosimus, writing about A.D. 300.

"In the same way, under the Egyptian kings the workers of the chemical operations and those who had the knowledge of the procedure (?) did not work for themselves, but served the Egyptian kings, working to fill their treasuries. For they had special masters set over them and a strict supervision was kept, not only upon the chemical operations, but also upon the gold-mines. For if anyone in mining found anything, it was a law among the Egyptians that it should be handed in for entry in the public register."

Note 3, p. 25, Sherwood Taylor, F. The Alchemists, Paladin, London, 1976.: 'First book of the completion,' No.1,Berthelot, Collection des anciens alchemistes grecs, text grec, p. 129.

In 'The Golden Flower, translated by his friend Richard Wilhelm:

Jung wrote:

"It contained exactly those pieces which I had sought for in vain amongst the Gnostics."

He realized that `The Secret of the Golden Flower' was not only a Taoist text, but also an alchemical tract, of deep importance to the Latin texts, the keys of which were only available in very faded material. It seems, that in an historic sense, this link was removed from European culture as Wilhelm, in tracing the origin of the Religion of the Golden Elixir of Life, comes up with the astounding fact that it originated from the Nestorians. Nestorius was a Syrian patriarch who died about A.D. 451 and Nestorianism was considered a heresy, by the predominating version of Christianity. What were the forces, incarnate or otherwise, that engineered the transplantation of a certain stream of knowledge to China, where it would mature and ripen for 1,500 years to arrive in Carl Jung's study in the 20th century?

With these keys, Jung perceived that the alchemical symbols are also yantric in nature and thus symbols of psychological processes and could thus write:

"We have in medieval alchemy the long sought connecting -link between Gnosis and the processes of the collective unconscious, observable to us today in modern man."







The Dark Land.

Al Khem.



The Name of the Land of Egypt as a Code for the Word.

Historical associations: Ancient Egypt, Tutankamen, Mummies and their curses, through to a political object Sadat, Nasser, Israel, AWAFS, USA.

In the brochure of the Museo Egizio in Turin, we see the actual Egyptian Hieroglyphics of the word 'KEMET' which means, 'The Black Earth.' La Terra Nera. This term indicated the rich fertility of the Nile Valley in contrast to 'The Red Earth' ' DESHERET' of the surrounding deserts. Both 'red earth' and 'black earth' have remained Alchemical terms right up to the present day.


It is extremely interesting that one of the oldest Egyptian Gods, Min of Koptos was painted black. Lurker:

"Images of MIN, the god of fertility and especially of generation, were painted with a mixture of fine resin and carbon dust in accordance with ancient ritual." [Lurker on BLACK, p.34.]

To the Egyptians, says Lurker, black:

"...was a reference to death and the netherworld but, at the same time, to rebirth."

Lurker, Manfred, The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt.An  Illu­trated Dictionary, London: Thames & Hudson, 1980, p.41 - COLOUR.


According to C.C.Zain in his book, 'Spiritual Alchemy', the word ALCHEMY is Arabic, being derived from "al", the, and "kimia', hidden or occult.

The word 'occult' has been so successfully smeared by the sensational distortions of the Media that we need to make a new working definition of the word ALCHEMY as it relates to the word 'occult'. We can safely translate the word Alchemy as: 'The Hidden' but then the questions arises, what is hidden? And before we proceed to use up our precious energy in the search, we may well ask why we should search for this hidden factor in the first place.

'Occult' merely indicates an intrinsic, root nature, that is hidden beneath the surface structure. To unearth the forms of the universe, hidden from view is one methodology of the 'occult' work. 'Al Khem', 'The Black Land' or 'Occult' are just references, semiotic flash-cards, buzz-words, defining unexplored territory. A.E.Waite calls this work an 'esoteric archeology", while in my own work, I have termed it an 'archeology of Being.'

See separate essay on this.

The Journey is from Outer, to Inner, to Secret, and this process of transformation and its resulting fruits, is coded in the occult terms of I.N.R.I. and V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

This procedure, or journey, needs a certain amount of preparation. If the matrix is Occult, or Hidden, then it is assumed that no maps exist. But is this true? Are the maps themselves hidden? Or encoded? Or in ciphers?

Plutarch, de Iside et Osiride:

"Egypt, moreover, which has the blackest of soils, they call by the same name as the black portion of the eye, " Chemia," and compare it to a heart ; for it is warm and moist and is enclosed by the southern portions of the inhabited world and adjoins them, like the heart in a man's left side."

Cf. Herodotus, ii. 12

And: Horapollo, Hieroglyphica, i. 22:

"To symbolize Egypt they draw a burning censer and a heart above it.Thus they show that as the heart of the jealous man is always on fire, so that of Egypt, because of the heat, gives life in all things in itself and by itself"

Boas, gives the following note:

"That Egypt is in the middle of the earth is an old idea, which may also be found in the Hermetica. See especially Stobaeus,I,45 (992): "Since in the middle of the earth lies the most holy land of our forefathers and the middle of the human body is the shrine of the heart alone,"etc.(ed.Meineke,I,p.303)."

The old name for Egypt was KHEM, or the Black Land - which came to us as Al Khemia, through the Arabic - the Black Land of Egypt was the soil of the Nile River - and the crocodile as Maier says is "...the sulphur in the Nile." and: "...the sulphur in the blood."

In both G.R.S.Mead and Scott's Hermetica, we read of Egypt as The Black. Thus by association, the Hidden, the Occult, the Esoteric - that which is interior; the subconscious and the Storage Banks - from which we have to devise and operate systems of retrieval.

Thus the analogy of mining the ores of the metals from the Earth, is one such analogical operation. The crude metals of the seven planets are mined in the Earth - because these mining operations precede the alchemical Work properly - which takes place in the Laboratory.

In later stages I have termed this "An Archeology of Being." for archeology involves esoteric excavation beneath the surface of the Earth, and thus beneath the surface of the conscious mind. Esoteric archeology is merely a materialistic process.


Michael Maier and many others of the Hermetic transmission lineage of Teachings, mention certain KEYS. It becomes obvious that there is a thread of continuity in the transmission of these KEYS, which is integrated into the historic potential of the present .(See: Toynbee.)

It is rather similar to the story of the Thread which Ariadne used to descend into the Labyrinth to the Minotaur. This is a Journey of Descent, and back to the surface of consciousness again. The KEYS, like the THREADS are catalysts in the operations of decoding and deciphering the hidden maps. With this information at hand, the 'Dharma', the purity of the inner, secret or hidden structure is revealed, which in essence is neither 'Outer' nor 'Inner', but rather confirms the archetypal motif of Hermetic philosophical workings:

"As Above, So Below, and That which is Above, is Like unto That which is Below."

This is a prelude to a realm where even maps do not exist - beyond concepts, words or paradigms. It is the emergence of this universal structure that illuminates a new existential reality, in which, for once and for all time, we will bury or transform the concept of a 'Soul'. As long as belief in an 'I' or 'Ego' exists, there will be no peace, either individual or planetary. Outer history has re-enforced this Grand Illusion. Inner history, ('occult' or 'alchemical'), history transmits the true nature of our Being.


Start with the BLACK NIGREDO definition.

Alchemical knowledge is similar to tantric knowledge is than it is not /lexical. (See: Guenther).Alchemy IS a language in itself - (See: Barthes). It consists of a highly developed semiology - a code of semantics and so on, like the tantric terms, alchemical terms consist of an interpenetrating net of correspondences, an ocean of analogies, on multiple levels, shifting though time and space like the desert sands before the wind. What remains constant in this wildly kinetic ballet of meanings, is the archetypal patterns created by the choreographer - the wind.

This points towards a Holographic paradigm, as a structure, or process for interpreting Alchemy. It must be remembered that the shifting sands of alchemical symbolism are not far removed from the experiences of our own inner realities. It is merely a matter of finding the correct focus, i.e. as in long-sighted and shorted-sighted. If we focus on the cosmic 'pie-in'the-sky' meanings of the pictures and symbols, we loose sight of their immediate experiential relevance, and vice versa if we are too bogged down with the psychological interpretation of the alchemical symbols, we forget the cosmic dimension embedded in them. Either perspective leads us to the 'As Above, So Below' Hermetic Law of Analogy.

Leading into the alchemical material we should begin with some material viewed both in the short and the long-sighted view seen through s spectrum of focus points.

NIGREDO -The Descent.

The relationship between Storage and Retrieval, where the descent takes place as a journey into the Hidden, Al Khem, Nigredo, Black Land &c.

Also ISIS UNVEILED, which relates to clairvoyance, and gives a Key to the visual, or inner visual (insight) nature of the alchemical work, i.e. Researches into the so-called 'Inner Self.'

This again, is another form of 'Esoteric archeology' (A.E.Waite) and is METAXEROX work.

Putrefaction generates heat - de-structuring releases energy (contained within the structure).

Unless we wake from the Dream of Death-in-Life - we can never conceive of the value of redemption.

Johannes Fabricus points out in his book 'Alchemy',that Herbert Silberer preceded Jung in equating the exploration of the subconscious with that of the alchemical work. There is nothing new in this, and in fact the entire pragmatic science may have to be cleansed of some very unfortunate dualistic assumptions and overlays, which are still naked forms of Eurocentric cultural imperialism, in a general sense, and the fortifications of Christian theology in particular.

As Dobbs says:

"...the older alchemy never was, and never was intended to be solely a study of matter for its own sake."


"For the true adept alchemy was a very way of life, a great work which absorbed all his mental and material resources, but it was never a rational branch of natural philosophy."

Yet, Forbes says that Newton was an alchemist of the same sort as Boyle "...seeking a theory of the structure of matter." Boyle it must be remembered, is credited by some viewpoints as giving the death blows to speculative alchemy with the publication of his 'Skeptical Chemist', while Yates sees Boyle's chemistry as "...a child of the alchemical movement."

Here alchemy is seen as 'study' and 'theory' and is removed from the experimental content that C.J.Jung imbues the subject with. As Dobbs suggests, both historical and psychological methodologies should be used. Amongst others.

Note: Sir Isaac Newtons alchemical work has causes much controversy amongst the scholars on the nature of the alchemical work. Forbes says of Newton:

"The disconnected thoughts he left on this subject are correct, profound and highly interesting. They show he was an Adept in the highest sense of the word."

What was the grand vision that motivated Newton in his exhaustive and decades long alchemical research? To this question one can only suggest, as B.J. Craven does in his book on Maier, that:

"The only mystery is existence."



We could say that the "Outer" history of Alchemy is to be found in two streams. The first is an objective historical process, seen purely from a pragmatic point of view - for example, the birth of Metallurgy. C. A. Burland gives us some clear indications of the association of metal and planet within the historical development of metal working itself, in the utilitarian sense; i.e. Venus - Copper from Cyprus or the Aegean; Iron from the Caucuses. He writes:

"It appears, then, that in the early days of metallurgy the associations of metals with the planetary deities was not derived from immediately apparent, natural associations except in the case of gold and silver. The rest of the series of parallels between metal and planet bears all the evidence of having been made under the influence of learned astrologers rather than any natural compulsion of primitive tribal philosophers and medicine men."

C.A.Burland,`The Arts of the Alchemists'

Mircea Eliade in his `The Forge and the Crucible' has produced a wide and detailed map of the links between metallurgy and alchemy. This book should be studied for further bibliographical information.

The first stream of history, deals with the actual mining operations, smelting and blacksmiths; while the second stream is a more subtle area where the metals, which have already been mined, are now worked within the Laboratory of the Alchemist. Mining is, so to speak, a socioeconomic and collective effort, while the work of the Inner Laboratory is exceedingly private. This history of the Inner Laboratory Work ranges from the Alchemy of China and India, to ancient Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Greece and the major cultural transmission centres of the Mediterranean world, over as many centuries as contemporary history encapsulates.

To detail this transmission is to enter a continuity of thought that shows an amazing solidarity, as one penetrates to the inner core.


What is the highest aim of alchemy? In the coded terminology it is called a variety of names, the "Corpus Glorificationis", which is to be equated with the `Rainbow Body' of the Tantras, and the `Just Men made perfect' of The Book of Revelations.

What is The SPAGYRIC SCIENCE? Paracelsus, in his dictionary of alchemical terms says SPAGIRIA is commonly taken for Alchemy. And:

" SPAGIRUS or SPACIRICUS is he which knows to distinguish betwixt good and bad, to separate pure from impure, or a Chymist or Alchymist."

In extension of this Basilus says in the "Chariot";

" the wholesome is separated from the unwholesome; how to set about destruction and demolition for the purpose of really and truly severing the pure from the impure without any sophic guile."

Basilus, The Triumphant Chariot of Antimony, A.E.Waite, trans. p.18.

In Basilus and Paracelsus there are two operational fields, termed THEORIA (Theory) and PRAXIS (Practice). Of Theoria, Basilus says:

" with the tangible and visible which has a temporally form, showing how it can be dissolved and thereby perfected into any given body."

See Three Fathers of Orion.

"...internal and external wounds." Basilus, amplify.

"...and I saw the fruit of the tree consumed and resolved like ice in warm water."

The "tangible and visible" Solar Apple Seed is dissolved, thereby releasing its "Temporal form" into the Matrix of Water, This Water is MEM, and therefore also blood, and blood in Hebrew is DAM, hence, A-DAM, the Aleph in the Blood.


We must not forget that Alchemy was not the sole property of European esoteric Traditions - but also existed in Japan, China, India and Tibet.

Lama Govinda makes the error of relegating European Alchemy to experimentation, and experiential Alchemy to the East:

"While the Greek, and later on the Arab and mediaeval alchemists of Europe (to whom this science was transmitted by the Arabs), based their theory of the transmutation of metals and other elements on this idea and tried to prove it experimentally, there was a group of mystics in India who applied this principle to their own spiritual development and declared that he who could penetrate to the origin and ultimate principle of unity within himself, would not only transform the elements of the external world, but those of his own being."

The process of Transformation, towards Unity and the Centre was symbolized as GOLD, the Citadel, the Centre of Being, the Sun. (Concentric to the SUN.)

It could be said that we undergo crucial, seminal psychic experiences, which are encoded with information. These then are explored.





"Chariot" continues the theme, and others link mining to alchemy. What were the economic factors e.g. the FUGGER family wealth. (written on yellow paper; London, May 1985 while working on Newton?)



"Every symbolism is polyvalent. Jung has shown an analogous polyvalence in `alchemical' or `mystic' operations: these are applicable at multiple levels and achieve corresponding results. Imagination, dreams, hallucination - all disclose a similar alchemical situation - and by this very fact place the patient in an alchemical situation - and achieve an amelioration which, at the psychic level, corresponds to the results of the alchemical operation."

Eliade,Mircea, The Forge and the Crucible..

NB: ` Amelioration' in the Androgyne cluster...

NB: Alchemy = `The Hidden' Operations.

The symbolic clusters on the `multiplicity' of levels, are in descending or ascending order, according to weight, density, gravity, i.e. Saturn/Lead at the bottom of the scale i.e. heaviness, karma(ic) residue, Old Age, melancholia etc.

Note: As Above (The Stars)

So Below (The Metals)


The very Structure and Nature of Existence itself is discussed in the Alchemical traditions. For the Church's calcified theory which was kept by force and torture could no longer transmit the truth, and only through the few could a more scientific view of the structure of Being be transmitted. Alchemy was one such transmitter.


A Medicine which puts an end to the sufferings of Samsara is high on the list of priorities, the ELIXIR VITAE, as well as the Philosophers Stone. (See: Stone File.) - and the most famous symbol of the Completion of the Great Work itself - Gold.

The Mysteries of Gold are enshrined in Number 21, the Trinity of Seven - physically, it represents the highest possible attainment, the climax of the material condition. Matter is now transmutable and the plane of the Adept, the Arahat in Sanscrit, and the Bodhisattva is attained. Physical form can now be shifted, controlled, dissolved and coagulated - teleportation, flying, walking on water and so on are a few examples within our mystic literature. Gold is Angelhood, and in the old cliche "You never know when you meet and Angel unawares.",

"To change and transcend the rhythm of human consciousness is the aim of the spiritual training of Buddhism (and alchemy) in the higher stages of meditation/absorption ......responds to the experience of higher world-planes. Though these experiences are not the ultimate aim of the Buddhist Path, they show that our human world is just one among innumerable others and that the worlds of Buddhist cosmology are not to be searched for in the mysteries of space but in the mysteries of our own mind in which all worlds exist as possibilities of experience."

Lama A. Govinda?

Titus Burckhardt says:

"Alchemy on the other hand, is based on the view that man, as a result of the loss of his "Adamic" state, is divided within himself."

Here I would suggest that one researches the use of the word 'Adamic' as it appears in the kabalistic interpretation of Carlo Suares. (The loss of the ALEPH in the DAM - the loss of Creative Dexterity, or perhaps Volatility, in the Blood, Dam - (Blood and Transformation) or the Mercury in the Aries-Mars, the Aleph and the YOD.

See BLOOD File, in Heart and Lamb.

The prevalence of symbolic dual-systems in Alchemy is not suggesting a completely 'dualistic' system - but rather a great indication that the Work is reconciliation of the opposites - the 'al-Khimia' is the internalization, excavation and cleansing of the sub/unconscious strata and manifesting an operative unity within all fields of consciousness.

There are more subtle ways of looking at the problem. For example, Burckhardt says: "...divided within himself" - and here, from the Tantric point of view, it could be said that the 'division within the self' is of no concern, proceeding from the view that the belief in the 'self' is a fault, and thus the root of the dualistic agony, and the cause of suffering. It is this concept of the 'self' which has caused the divisions - the path to wholeness and enlightenment is beyond this/our concept of the 'self' - and if Alchemy has an aim, it is the dissolution of this fixation of the 'self'.

As Dorn writes: quote and some more material in STONE


C.A.Burland,`The Arts of the Alchemists'

Basilus, The Triumphant Chariot of Antimony, A.E.Waite, trans. p.18

The Three Fathers of Orion.


Weikersheim Palace and City Seals for Alchemical Symbolism - Count (Graf) Wolfgang II.


The Secret Vitriol; Al Khem - the control of natural forces, Time and Space, Matter and Energy; Long Life and so on.

The Inner Analogy - the Transformation of the material view of existence, leading to the trans-substantiation of divine energy.

The Outer search for Gold, wealth, money and sex: materialism. avidya, ignorance about the nature of reality; the Reality of Nature.

Metal working, chemistry, blacksmiths and the birth of metallurgy. Seven Metals e sette anelli.

A vision of a Face over a landscape of desert at night - with the Full Moon rising behind the wooded mountain - rays of silver and mists of lace. Johannes Valentine Andrae. Subito. E Vero. E Vero.


ORTONA. Vid.Artona.


Jung: Index




Budge gives a clear definition of the term ALCHEMY - and a good insight into the SCARAB.

K = Al Kimiya - Encyclo. Islamica, PP. 1010 - 1017. XEROXED.

In both Alchemy and Tantra - unmentionable substances are used, e.g. urine, shit, sperm, flesh -

The Devil and the Angel fighting over the Soul in medieval pictures - correspondences to the bright and dull lights of the Bardo, and the beneficial and malevolent lights in Jung. Quote. e.g. a polarity always presents itself at death.

Could the Bright Angelic beneficial - be ICONIC - and the Dull, Devil, Malevolent be the Abstract, i.e. non-representational. What relationship to the peaceful and wrathful deities centred in the Heart and Head Chakras respectively?

"What the world could express only imperfectly, or not at all, the alchemist compressed into his images; and strange as they are, they often speak a more intelligible language than is found in his clumsy philosophical concepts." Jung?

" the very depths of the unconscious, processes occur which bear an astonishing resemblance to the stages in a spiritual operation - gnosis, mysticism, alchemy, - which does not occur in the world of profane experience, and which on the contrary, make a clean break with the profane world. In other words we are in the presence of a strange solidarity of structure between the products of the `unconscious' (dreams, awakened dreams, hallucinations, etc.) and those experiences which, by the very fact they are outside the categories of the profane and desanctified world, may be considered as belonging to a`trans-conscious'mystical alchemical experiences,..etc."

Eliade on Jung,

Eliade, M. The Forge and the Crucible, p.223.