permutations, associations, analogies, correspondences etc.

The essential methodology of the Tarot is to read as many associations as possible. C.C. Zain calls this ‘The Law of Correspondences’. Naturally the deeper and richer the associations, the greater the spectrum of analogies.

"Everywhere on earth there are people of our kind. That for a small part of them, I can be a focal point, the nodal point in the net, is the burden and the joy of my life."
Hermann Hesse, private letter, 1955.


“…each card triggered feelings of…” Rosengarten, p.31.   

Rosengarten, Arthur, Tarot and Psychology. Spectrums of Possibility, Paragon House, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2000, pp. 244 - 245.

“The psychological context of dream-contents consists in the web of associations in which the dream is naturally embedded.”

Jung, C.G. Psychology and Alchemy, p. 44

 "The Empress Wu, who had difficulties understanding the Hwa Yen philosophy, asked Fa Tsang, one of the founders of the school, to give her a simple, practical demonstration of cosmic inter-relatedness. Fa Tsang took her to a large hall, the entire interior of which - the walls, ceiling, and floor - was covered with mirrors. He first lit a candle in the centre of this hall and suspended it from the ceiling. In the next moment, they were surrounded by myriads of glowing candles of different sizes reaching to infinity. This was Fa Tsang's way of illustrating the relationship of the One to the Many.

He then placed in the centre of the hall a small crystal with many facets. Everything around the crystal, including all the countless images of candles, was now collected and reflected in the small interior of the brilliant stone. In this way, Fa Tsang was able to demonstrate how in Ultimate Reality the infinitely small contains the infinitely large and the infinitely large the infinitely small, without obstruction. Having done this, he pointed out that this static model was actually very limited and imperfect. It was unable to capture the perpetual, multidimensional motion in the universe and the unimpeded mutual interpenetration of Time and Eternity, as well as past, present, and future. 

In: Stanislav Grof , The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, SUNY Press, Albany, NY, 1998, p. 52-. 53. 

"Indra's net" is a phrase found in Kegon go-kyo sho (The Book of Five  Doctrines of the  Kegon Sect), a book that interprets the Avatamsaka Sutra  "The barrier gate of Indra's  net" is "a teaching that the world is like  the orbs of the mesh that forms the net of the diety Indra, which are in  an endless relationship of sosoku and so'nyu." Sosoku means all things come together and become one; so'nyu expresses an all-inclusive  relationship whereby A both contains B and is contained by B. In other words, the image is of the knots of the net that join orbs of infinite  number which all mirror each other in a relationship that continues forever. This metaphor, that each orb contains a universe and each orb is  connected with every other, represents the intricate view of the universe  held by Mahayana Buddhism.


" every turn a fresh constellation of correspondences appears."

[Campbell, Joseph, Primitive Mythology, p. 186.]

   Another dynamic version of this idea is found in the Hindu teaching of `The Jewel Net of Indra', where an infinite woven net, with jewels at each of its knots, creates an infinity of reflections within reflections. There is perhaps a link with the jeweled nets that cover the Ompalos both at Delphi and at the Oases of Siwa, plus other sites,

   This gives a slight understanding of what to expect of any journey through the metaphysical mazes of the Hermetic Teachings, including the parallel systems of the Sephiroth of the Kabbalah; the endless permutations of the Sacred Tarot; the visual literature of Alchemy - or even the Oriental system of the Hexagrams of the I Ching, and so on.

   We meet with woven strands and interlaced meanings, correspondences, analogies and a wealth of structural paradigms and non-structural processes, not to mention the mystical textures, difficult to place in words, and the codes and ciphers which all add to the richness of existence.

Samten de Wet

“Imagine a vast net; at each crossing point there is a jewel; each jewel is perfectly clear and reflects all the other jewels in the net, the way two mirrors placed opposite each other will reflect an image ad infinitum. The jewel in this metaphor stands for an individual being, or an individual consciousness, or a cell, or an atom. Each jewel is intimately connected with all other jewels in the universe, and a change in one jewel means a change, however slight, in every other jewel.”

 Mitchell, Stepen, The Enlightened Mind: Harper Perennial, New York, 1991. In Rosengarten, p. 175 

“…the beginningless web of interrelations….” Rosengarten, p. 174 

“…the laws of interbeing…” Rosengarten, p. 174 

“If everything indeed is interconnected and emerges from one cosmic vat of possibility, it would be impossible not to find or construct meaningful correspondence in any given reading.” Rosengarten, p. 175

Saturday, 08 November 2003  

Dear Louis,  

.... the development of a true network.... Yes!

But I think we also have to become conscious that it is the networks, that have to be networked!

At a certain level, a saturation point, a ceiling is reached, its limits defined by the current pool of academics researching  Western esotericism. I had the good fortune to have experienced the Internet in its very early phase back in 1985, in London at the Computer Centre of the GLC, where we linked up with The Well in San Francisco. As Karen-Claire Voss says, the Internet is a Hermetic body, or manifestation, or as I see it, of Mind,  in the Mercurial, Quicksilver sense.

 Some of the more esoteric doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism indicate that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas could manifest in such forms, even in an Art Style. This level of esoteric speculation, is brilliantly manifested in the Kabbalistic literature - I use the Gershom Scholem spelling. Now if one thinks of the Kabbalah as a Western esoteric system, how do we deal with its geographical roots in the Middle East, Safed and  Baghdad. Or the Oriental influences on the Norman Courts of Palermo, and those of Spain under the Moors?

There are serious considerations emerging regarding the Templars and Rosicrucians, having roots in the Middle East. Brother R.C., after all, visited Damascus and Fez.

The Islamic Shi'ite doctrine of the abdals, the Hidden Ones, is very similar to the idea of the Invisible Brotherhood, and we are not even touching on the parallels between the Ikhwan al Safa brotherhood and the Rosicrucians as well.

But I digress. In all of the above mentioned systems, there seems to be some form of emanationism, and the emergence or re-emergence of  Hidden bodies of Wisdom is a commonplace to many cultures. And in particular, the Renaissance . . .

But, I believe, that the Form of this manifestation,  in this case under speculation, the Internet, is still in its infancy. We can see the emerging tectonic plates, and the resulting fault lines. Cross-cultural and intra-cultural dialogue,  across these chasms, be they ideological, theological,  or any of the other energy-depleted Logos systems, is very necessary. But is must not remain a matter of merely moving the furniture around.

  This task that lays before us, in mining and bringing to the light of day, the rich seams of esoteric material, should also spread outwards, as incandescent inspiration for new forms of culture and enlightened action.

I once visited Dr. Helena de Jong in Leiden. She has written definitive studies on Michael Maier's Atlanta Fugiens. I asked her, give or take the words, whether working with these alchemical images within the academic context had any effect on her inner life, by which I suppose I posited an objective/subjective dichotomy. She replied with great enthusiasm, and said yes, she kept a diary of her dreams. And to end this tirade, on an open note:

"Jung once remarked that his life's work has been to encircle the "central fire" with a series of mirrors but that necessarily there were gaps where the mirrors met."

[Rose F. Holt, Review of 'The New God-Image' by Edward Edinger, in: The Roundtable Review, Jan/Feb. 1999, p. 11.]

Yours sincerely,

Samten de Wet.

Higgs bosom and Orphic concept of the Net:

by "Arthur E. Gregory" <>

Some of you may recall the quotation I cited earliar regarding the  Higgs-bosom field:

.... Instead of a field spread throughout all space a solid contains a lattice of positively charged crystal atoms. When an   electron moves through the lattice the atoms are attracted to it,  causing the electron's effective mass to be as much as 40  times  bigger than the mass of a free electron.  The postulated Higgs  field in the  vacuum is a sort of hypothetical lattice which fills our Universe."

This "lattice of positively charged crystal atoms" reminds of an  ancient Orphic concept found in M.L. West's The Orphic Poems  published by Orford university Press, on page 10 is the following  description is made under the topic of Krater, Net, Robe:

"The Net was in all probability the Orphic poem known to  Aristotle in which the formation of a living creature was likenend   to the knitting of a net. The image already alluded to in the  Timaeus suggests that the soul is air occupying the interstices  of a material body. It savours of Pythagoreanism for there is a  certain analogy between the picture of the net being built loop by  loop and the Pythagorean number cosmogony in which the  world is built up from a monad that breaths in ..."

The Orphic Poems by M.L. West are based largely on his  research into the recently discovered Derveni papyrus!

I also wanted to mention one of the best texts on Orphism by  Robert Eisler entitled Orpheus the Fisher produced in 1921. In  his Preface, Eisler makes the following statement:

"My lasting gratitude is due to my dear friend GRS Mead, BA,  MRAS whose indefatigable help has made it possible to me to  present these essays to the English speaking public ..."
Arthur Gregory